I have been hearing a lot recently about actually obeying what I know to do! I was reading some excerpts from "The Imitation of Christ" book and the author said this "Whoever wishes to understand fully the words of Christ must try to pattern his whole life on that of Christ. What good does it do to speak learnedly about the Trinity if, lacking humility, you displease the Trinity? Indeed it is not learning that makes a man holy and just, but a virtuous life makes him pleasing to God. I would rather feel contrition than know how to define it. For what would it profit us to know the whole Bible by heart and the principles of all the philosophers if we live without grace and the love of God? Vanity of vanities and all is vanity, except to love God and serve Him alone." Ok...so that was more than slightly convicting! So often I can get caught up with trying to gain head knowledge that I don't even have the heart passion to actually do it! Anyways, I had been thinking a lot about this recently and was listening to a missionary message on the life of John Owens and was reminded of it again! I love how God brings different circumstances, situations, and lessons into our lives until we get the point that He is trying to tell us something! This is what Piper said... (Notice the words in bold)... "When the heart is cast indeed into the mould of the doctrine that the mind embraceth,—when the evidence and necessity of the truth abides in us,—when not the sense of the words only is in our heads, but the sense of the thing abides in our hearts—when we have communion with God in the doctrine we contend for—then shall we be garrisoned by the grace of God" Head knowledge can make me sound very spiritual, but until I actually apply it, my life will not be changed to be more like my Saviors, nor will it be effective for Him. The missionary John Owens led an incredible life for the Lord. To give you a little bit of his background….He had 11 children. Ten of them died as children and the 11th one died as a young adult. That’s an average of one of his children dying every 3 years of his life! And yet…He continued to trust God. Owens was a pastor, a dean of a school, involved with parliament, wrote in-depth books that have lasted for over 300 years, and all during that time his children were dying! Owens led a busy and full life. Yet he always managed to draw those around him to His God. Owens had a way of sharing with others about his daily experiences with God. Instead of talking about what he had done for God, he would tell others what God had been teaching and sharing with him. In a letter to one of his friends, Owens said "Christ is our best friend and ere long will be our ONLY friend. I pray God with all my heart that I may be weary of anything else but converse and communion with Him!" (Man! I wish I had that kind of heart attitude!) Something else that Piper said in his message about John Owens also really stuck out to me and this is what he said "One great hindrance to holiness in the preaching of the word, is that we are prone to preach and write without actually pressing into the things we say and making them real to our own souls. Over the years, words begin to come easy and we find we can speak of mysteries without standing in awe; we can speak of purity without feeling pure; we can speak of zeal without spiritual passion; we can speak of God's holiness without trembling; we can speak of sin without sorrow, etc. And the result is a terrible hardening of the spiritual life. Owens found, and we must find, a way to only share what he was actually learning and experiencing! Our happiness consisteth not in the "knowing" of the things of the gospel, but in the "doing" of them." Once again I was convicted. Owens grew in the knowledge of his God, by obeying what he already knew! I need to stop worrying about trying to gain the head knowledge in order to look and sound more smart and spiritual and concentrate on actually DOING what I am learning! Any prayers that you all would make for me about this would be much appreciated! God has been teaching me a lot, but I need His strength and courage to actually obey it!
Ok, now that I am officially finished with my ranting, I am going to bed. ;)
February 29, 2008
February 27, 2008
Quote to Ponder
"Lust may be the defining struggle of this generation"
"The key to escaping the cycle of defeat is to:
1. Embrace God's standard of holiness
2. Embrace God's source of power for change
3. Embrace God's motive for fighting sin"
--Josh Harris (Not Even a Hint, copyright 2003)
"The key to escaping the cycle of defeat is to:
1. Embrace God's standard of holiness
2. Embrace God's source of power for change
3. Embrace God's motive for fighting sin"
--Josh Harris (Not Even a Hint, copyright 2003)
February 26, 2008
Subjection and Honor
In the last couple weeks while quizzing while in chapter 3 the fun “debate” has been that wives are to be in subjection and husbands are to honor their wives. But on Sunday Greg made a good point, what exactly is are the definitions for subjection and honor? So I decided to look them up.
The definition for subjection is: to make (as oneself) amenable to the discipline and control of a superior. So in the verse Peter is saying that wives need to make themselves amendable (to change or modify for the better) to their husbands authority. I found that the word “amendable” was in the definition, very interesting. It would seem to me that Peter knew that submitting isn’t a natural instinct for women, yet we are commanded to do so anyways. Women are basically supposed to submit in almost every aspect of life, whether it is in a marriage, with parents, or in the church. And I know that’s something a lot of girls (or at least for me) need to work on!
The verb definition for honor is: to regard or treat with honor or respect. Well that was kinda vague so I looked up the definition for respect. The definition for respect is: to consider worthy of high regard. I also read in the I Peter book that a weaker vessel could be thought of as a precious china glass. Since I think it’s kinda weird for me to comment on this definition anymore, I am gonna stop :)
Anyways those are the Webster definitions to the words that we love to beat each other over the head with. :)
In Christ,
Kristin Hanson
The definition for subjection is: to make (as oneself) amenable to the discipline and control of a superior. So in the verse Peter is saying that wives need to make themselves amendable (to change or modify for the better) to their husbands authority. I found that the word “amendable” was in the definition, very interesting. It would seem to me that Peter knew that submitting isn’t a natural instinct for women, yet we are commanded to do so anyways. Women are basically supposed to submit in almost every aspect of life, whether it is in a marriage, with parents, or in the church. And I know that’s something a lot of girls (or at least for me) need to work on!
The verb definition for honor is: to regard or treat with honor or respect. Well that was kinda vague so I looked up the definition for respect. The definition for respect is: to consider worthy of high regard. I also read in the I Peter book that a weaker vessel could be thought of as a precious china glass. Since I think it’s kinda weird for me to comment on this definition anymore, I am gonna stop :)
Anyways those are the Webster definitions to the words that we love to beat each other over the head with. :)
In Christ,
Kristin Hanson
February 25, 2008
Happy 19th John Dierking!
February 22, 2008
Finally Home
After almost 95 years of being a Stranger and Pilgrim in this world, my Grandpa Dierking is finally Home! I can't say that I'd wish him back, because I am kinda jealous that he has already arrived at the same place I am heading to. He had really been declining the last couple days and was taken to the hospital early this morning. He died around 3:30 in the morning when his heart just gave out. It's nice to know that he is with his Saviour, for that is where his true rest and happiness are. Psalms 16:11-Thou wilt show me the path of life; In Thy presence is fulness of joy; at Thy right hand are pleasures forevermore." Psalms 132:13-14 "For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation. This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it." Please be praying for our family though as a lot of decisions have to be made and as we try to grasp the fact that we won't see him again until heaven. Pray especially for my parents. Their faith, strength and unselfishness the last couple days have been incredible and I know only God can give that kind of grace. Thanks for making a difference through prayer.
"Stepping On Shore"
When engulfed by the terror of the tempestuous sea,
Unknown waves before you roll;
At the end of doubt and peril is eternity,
Though fear and conflict seize your soul.
But just think of stepping on shore-And finding it Heaven!
Of touching a hand-And finding it God's!
Of breathing new air-And finding it celestial!
Of waking up in glory-And finding it home!
When surrounded by the blackness of the darkest night,
O how lonely death can be;
At the end of this long tunnel is a shining light,
For death is swallowed up in victory!
And just think of stepping on shore-And finding it Heaven!
Of touching a hand-And finding it God's!
Of breathing new air-And finding it celestial!
Of waking up in glory-And finding it home!
"Stepping On Shore"
When engulfed by the terror of the tempestuous sea,
Unknown waves before you roll;
At the end of doubt and peril is eternity,
Though fear and conflict seize your soul.
But just think of stepping on shore-And finding it Heaven!
Of touching a hand-And finding it God's!
Of breathing new air-And finding it celestial!
Of waking up in glory-And finding it home!
When surrounded by the blackness of the darkest night,
O how lonely death can be;
At the end of this long tunnel is a shining light,
For death is swallowed up in victory!
And just think of stepping on shore-And finding it Heaven!
Of touching a hand-And finding it God's!
Of breathing new air-And finding it celestial!
Of waking up in glory-And finding it home!
February 19, 2008
February 18, 2008
Sounds a little to familiar. . .
Some verses are a riddle and I have to spend a lot of time figuring out what it's realy saying. Other verses, like these, are all too clear. They speak for themselves, so without further introduction, here is Isaiah 51:12-13.
"I, even I, am he that comforteth you: who art thou, that thou shouldest be afraid of a man that shall die, and of the son of man which shall be made as grass; 13 And forgettest the LORD thy maker, that hath stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth; and hast feared continually every day because of the fury of the oppressor, as if he were ready to destroy? and where is the fury of the oppressor?"
Isaiah as a whole draws a huge contrast between Isreal's unfaithfulness and frailty and God's greatness. It was a good reminder that God really does control exactly what will happen in my future, not man.
Okay,I've gotta go. By the way, keep praying for Mark and Jessica. I didn't get a chance to talk to them last week, but pray that I will this week. I know what I need to say, but they need much more than I can give them, so pray that God works on their hearts. As C.S. Lewis said in The Last Battle "they are so afraid of being taken in, that they cannot be taken out."
"I, even I, am he that comforteth you: who art thou, that thou shouldest be afraid of a man that shall die, and of the son of man which shall be made as grass; 13 And forgettest the LORD thy maker, that hath stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth; and hast feared continually every day because of the fury of the oppressor, as if he were ready to destroy? and where is the fury of the oppressor?"
Isaiah as a whole draws a huge contrast between Isreal's unfaithfulness and frailty and God's greatness. It was a good reminder that God really does control exactly what will happen in my future, not man.
Okay,I've gotta go. By the way, keep praying for Mark and Jessica. I didn't get a chance to talk to them last week, but pray that I will this week. I know what I need to say, but they need much more than I can give them, so pray that God works on their hearts. As C.S. Lewis said in The Last Battle "they are so afraid of being taken in, that they cannot be taken out."
February 15, 2008
"Either we fall on the Rock, or the Rock falls on us!"
Its getting late, so this won't be long, but the kids I am watching are finally settled in for the night and I have a few moments to take a breather. ;) Thanks to all of you who have been praying for me this week. Its been neat to see the way He has answered your prayers. He has blessed the small amount of time I have been able to get in with Him before the kids wake up in the morning. (Because once they are up, theres never a quiet moment! ;) I also have had some really neat conversations with the kids about different things and have also learned a lot myself about having a more childlike faith. God is good and teaches us things through every situation He allows us to go through.
Anyways, I wanted to share with you, real quick, something that stuck out to me yesterday. Rand mentioned in the 1 Peter book, the verses from Luke 20:17-18 that say "And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder." My mom had written that latter verse out and put it on our refridgerator a couple weeks ago and at the time, I thought it was a cool verse. But when it was pointed out again to me yesterday, I decided to really pay attention to what it was saying. Rand pretty much sums it all up when he says "Jesus made it so clear. If we by faith fall on Jesus Christ and allow Him (the true cornerstone) to break our proud, selfish hearts by humbly depending on Him and Him alone, He will become precious to us. If on the other hand, we choose to be diobedient to the Word, that same stone will judge us and in a sense grind us to powder. We either choose God's judgement or His forgiveness." God is a jealous God and does not allow us to put other things before Him while still trying to recieve His blessings. Either we allow ourselves to be broken, or we get crushed.
Anyways, I wanted to share with you, real quick, something that stuck out to me yesterday. Rand mentioned in the 1 Peter book, the verses from Luke 20:17-18 that say "And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder." My mom had written that latter verse out and put it on our refridgerator a couple weeks ago and at the time, I thought it was a cool verse. But when it was pointed out again to me yesterday, I decided to really pay attention to what it was saying. Rand pretty much sums it all up when he says "Jesus made it so clear. If we by faith fall on Jesus Christ and allow Him (the true cornerstone) to break our proud, selfish hearts by humbly depending on Him and Him alone, He will become precious to us. If on the other hand, we choose to be diobedient to the Word, that same stone will judge us and in a sense grind us to powder. We either choose God's judgement or His forgiveness." God is a jealous God and does not allow us to put other things before Him while still trying to recieve His blessings. Either we allow ourselves to be broken, or we get crushed.
February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day
“The highest act of love is the giving of the best gift, and, if necessary, at the greatest cost, to the least deserving. That’s what God did. At the loss of His Son’s life to the totally undeserving, God gave the best gift – the display of the glory of Christ who is the image of God.” [John Piper]
The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell
It goes beyond the highest star
And reaches to the lowest hell
The guilty pair, bowed down with care
God gave His Son to win
His erring child He reconciled
And pardoned from his sin
Could we with ink the ocean fil
And were the skies of parchment made
Were every stalk on earth a quill
And every man a scribe by trade
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry
Nor could the scroll contain the whole
Though stretched from sky to sky
O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints' and angels' song
The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell
It goes beyond the highest star
And reaches to the lowest hell
The guilty pair, bowed down with care
God gave His Son to win
His erring child He reconciled
And pardoned from his sin
Could we with ink the ocean fil
And were the skies of parchment made
Were every stalk on earth a quill
And every man a scribe by trade
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry
Nor could the scroll contain the whole
Though stretched from sky to sky
O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints' and angels' song
February 13, 2008
What I've been learning lately...
I know this is going to be a long post, so prepare yourselves right now! ;) I have been learning a lot in both the 1 Peter book, and 1 Samuel. I'll share first what I've learned in the peter book...
I loved when it said that if you are a suffering Christian remember "God the Father has chosen you, God the Spirit has set you apart from a God-hating world to Himself, and God the Son has paid the price of your redemption." God will give you peace through tough times! It doesn't matter if your friends accept you, God does, and that’s all that matters!
I also thought it was interesting when he was saying your salvation is the absalute only thing you cannot lose! everything else will fall away, but your salvation is the only thing that really belongs to you, you can lose everything you own, but your salvation will never leave you!
Also, it said that, it doesn't matter if you understand everything the Lord says, but grasp the truth as your own and embrace it. You don't always have to know every reason why you do what you do, just believe that God has it this way for a reason.
Then, on one of the days he gave a verse from Micah 4:5 For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever. in otherwords, every one seeks to follow their god and to have a realtionship with their god. But, we know the real God so should we not be seeking his face, when we know we hold the truth?
"The Word reveals God's mind so we should learn it, God's heart so we should love it, and God's will so we should live it." ~Warren Wiersbe
Ok, now for 1 Samuel :)
I stopped last time when the people chose Saul as king. when he first became king it says the Lord was with him, but when David comes on the scene it says the Lord departed from him, and he was filled with an evil spirit.
Saul was told that the kingdom would no longer be his when he disobeyed God by keeping the spoils that God told him to utterly distroy. David is then annointed to be the next king.
David fights Goliath, which of course took some major courage! But, he trusted God to give Goliath to him. This is when Saul starts to hate david and decides he wants David dead. Another reason that Saul hated David was because in Chapter 16 it says quite a few times that Saul saw that David behaved himself wisely and that the Lord was with Him. I was thinking, can others see that in me? is my life showing that the Lord is with me? And do I behave myself wisely so that others see something different?
Anyways, there is a lot more I could say, but I don't want you to fall asleep, so I will stop there! ( You can always ask me what else I'm learning later;)
I'll be praying for you all!
I loved when it said that if you are a suffering Christian remember "God the Father has chosen you, God the Spirit has set you apart from a God-hating world to Himself, and God the Son has paid the price of your redemption." God will give you peace through tough times! It doesn't matter if your friends accept you, God does, and that’s all that matters!
I also thought it was interesting when he was saying your salvation is the absalute only thing you cannot lose! everything else will fall away, but your salvation is the only thing that really belongs to you, you can lose everything you own, but your salvation will never leave you!
Also, it said that, it doesn't matter if you understand everything the Lord says, but grasp the truth as your own and embrace it. You don't always have to know every reason why you do what you do, just believe that God has it this way for a reason.
Then, on one of the days he gave a verse from Micah 4:5 For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever. in otherwords, every one seeks to follow their god and to have a realtionship with their god. But, we know the real God so should we not be seeking his face, when we know we hold the truth?
"The Word reveals God's mind so we should learn it, God's heart so we should love it, and God's will so we should live it." ~Warren Wiersbe
Ok, now for 1 Samuel :)
I stopped last time when the people chose Saul as king. when he first became king it says the Lord was with him, but when David comes on the scene it says the Lord departed from him, and he was filled with an evil spirit.
Saul was told that the kingdom would no longer be his when he disobeyed God by keeping the spoils that God told him to utterly distroy. David is then annointed to be the next king.
David fights Goliath, which of course took some major courage! But, he trusted God to give Goliath to him. This is when Saul starts to hate david and decides he wants David dead. Another reason that Saul hated David was because in Chapter 16 it says quite a few times that Saul saw that David behaved himself wisely and that the Lord was with Him. I was thinking, can others see that in me? is my life showing that the Lord is with me? And do I behave myself wisely so that others see something different?
Anyways, there is a lot more I could say, but I don't want you to fall asleep, so I will stop there! ( You can always ask me what else I'm learning later;)
I'll be praying for you all!
February 12, 2008
A change in focus
One thing I still haven't figured out is why God shows me things through other people instead of showing me directly from his word. I guess just to keep me humble; ) Well anyway, I have been rather down lately and didn't feel like I was living a victorious life. Why? I wasn't really sure. I kept looking at all the things that I was determined to do, but wasn't. In between school subjects, I turned on the radio. There was a preacher on who was talking about how free the Christian life is. He used Matt 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
God didn't want christianity to be a burdon, but a blessing. I sure hadn't been feeling like I was living under an easy burden. I realized that I was so focused on doing doing doing, instead of focussing on who I am trying to live for. I serve a God who knows my name, who loves me and is there to help me serve him. I serve a God who created the stars, placed them, and calls them by name. I serve a God who wants to give me victory. That camp song “Victory in Jesus” is a really cool song. By the way, why don't we ever sing that except at camp? The weird thing is that when I stopped thinking about all the things I should and shouldn't do, I started to get some victory. Other phrases came to mind like “Be still and know that I am God.” I sing the words I will glory in my redeemer, but I wasn't doing it. It is a whole lot nicer to focus on a God who never makes mistakes, than to focus on myself! That's what I've been learning.
God didn't want christianity to be a burdon, but a blessing. I sure hadn't been feeling like I was living under an easy burden. I realized that I was so focused on doing doing doing, instead of focussing on who I am trying to live for. I serve a God who knows my name, who loves me and is there to help me serve him. I serve a God who created the stars, placed them, and calls them by name. I serve a God who wants to give me victory. That camp song “Victory in Jesus” is a really cool song. By the way, why don't we ever sing that except at camp? The weird thing is that when I stopped thinking about all the things I should and shouldn't do, I started to get some victory. Other phrases came to mind like “Be still and know that I am God.” I sing the words I will glory in my redeemer, but I wasn't doing it. It is a whole lot nicer to focus on a God who never makes mistakes, than to focus on myself! That's what I've been learning.
February 11, 2008
Last minute prayer request
I know I missed the prayer letter, but I have two people I'd like you to pray for (three if you count me.) Please pray for Mark Mucco and a girl name Jessica. Both of them are in my philosophy class. I sit beside Mark, and during classes I noticed he asked genuine questions, not just the philosophical ones like the rest of the class. For some reason, he really wants to know some answers, especially about the subject of God. I talked to him on Thursday after class and he admitted that he doesn't have any of the answers. I asked him if he'd ever read the Bible. He said he never did, so I suggested he look in the Bible if he really wants answers because that's where I found mine. He had to leave shortly class so most of this happened on the fly, but he seemed interested. Pray that if he really is serious, he would be able to find the answers he is looking for in the Bible and let me help him if he needs it.
Shortly after he left, Jessica and another older lady who is a strong Christian came up and started talking. To make a long conversation short, Jessica said she was born into a conservative Presbyterian background but turned atheist when she decided that faith is just a crutch. However, by the end of the conversation, she too admitted that she too has doubts and questions, even though she doesn't believe there are any answers. Pray that she would continue to have doubts, that God would not give her peace until she deals with the questions. I know God has the ability to make someone miserable until they break and get the message, I'm just praying that he continues to do it to her, because I think she already is.
Anyway, I have classes tomorrow, so I'll probably see them both. Pray that God gives me the wisdom – and the courage – to see the opportunities and follow Him wherever he leads, because sometimes it's the last thing feel like doing. However, I can't in good conscience keep silent when God has given me so many of the answers I have needed. Its kinda sad. They are so miserable and no one has ever told them that there are answers to their questions. I don't know what I did to deserve it, but I am so thankful God allowed me to be raised in a place where I was shown the answers . . . how know God and be at peace with Him. That is something I can't put a price on, and I know I don't deserve it any more than they do.
Shortly after he left, Jessica and another older lady who is a strong Christian came up and started talking. To make a long conversation short, Jessica said she was born into a conservative Presbyterian background but turned atheist when she decided that faith is just a crutch. However, by the end of the conversation, she too admitted that she too has doubts and questions, even though she doesn't believe there are any answers. Pray that she would continue to have doubts, that God would not give her peace until she deals with the questions. I know God has the ability to make someone miserable until they break and get the message, I'm just praying that he continues to do it to her, because I think she already is.
Anyway, I have classes tomorrow, so I'll probably see them both. Pray that God gives me the wisdom – and the courage – to see the opportunities and follow Him wherever he leads, because sometimes it's the last thing feel like doing. However, I can't in good conscience keep silent when God has given me so many of the answers I have needed. Its kinda sad. They are so miserable and no one has ever told them that there are answers to their questions. I don't know what I did to deserve it, but I am so thankful God allowed me to be raised in a place where I was shown the answers . . . how know God and be at peace with Him. That is something I can't put a price on, and I know I don't deserve it any more than they do.
Joy Unspeakable
Ok I just want to say that starting this study through Rand Hummel’s book has been really helpful. Rand has such a way of pointing out things that I would never see and putting stuff in ways that make me see the verses differently.
As I was reading the I Peter book a something jumped out at me that I didn’t see when I was memorizing it. In chap 1 verse 8 it says “Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” Well when I was memorizing this verse it did strike me funny that Peter said joy so many times in one verse, yet I didn’t really think anything more about it. But when I was reading the verse again in the I Peter book, Rand pointed it out too. In verse 6 it says “Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations.” Ok so in the course of 2 verse Peter uses the word joy 3 times. So obviously he wants to get the point of being joyful across.
Ok so yeah I am supposed to be joyful, but what exactly does that mean? When I think of being joyful generally I think of being really really happy, like almost jumping up and down happy (e.g. getting done with the ACT lol). But when you are in “manifold temptations” (at least for me) I don’t feel jumping up and down happy. Yet he says we are supposed to rejoice through manifold temptations. So I looked up the definition of joy, it is “a state of happiness or felicity: a source or cause of delight.” The part of this definition that hit me was the “a source or cause of delight.” Ok so I know that Christ is to be my source of happiness and delight, but then again when I am going through hard times I don’t exactly feel the exuberant kind of joy.
But then back in the I Peter book Rand made a very interesting statement, he said that “joy is holy optimism.” Well, at least for me, that put a whole new idea to the word joy. Joy doesn’t necessarily have to be a happiness that makes you want to jump up and down, but it’s knowing that God has complete control of the situation. So while the “manifold temptation” may not be very enjoyable, you can have joy, in the sense that you can have a good attitude about the trial you are going through. So when Peter was talking about joy he was talking about having a good attitude and being “happy” through trials, because He will always be there to help you through the “season”.
Ok so now that I have written another book, I’ll quit babbling lol
I hope ya’ll are learning as much as I am!
Love in Christ,
Kristin Hanson
As I was reading the I Peter book a something jumped out at me that I didn’t see when I was memorizing it. In chap 1 verse 8 it says “Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” Well when I was memorizing this verse it did strike me funny that Peter said joy so many times in one verse, yet I didn’t really think anything more about it. But when I was reading the verse again in the I Peter book, Rand pointed it out too. In verse 6 it says “Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations.” Ok so in the course of 2 verse Peter uses the word joy 3 times. So obviously he wants to get the point of being joyful across.
Ok so yeah I am supposed to be joyful, but what exactly does that mean? When I think of being joyful generally I think of being really really happy, like almost jumping up and down happy (e.g. getting done with the ACT lol). But when you are in “manifold temptations” (at least for me) I don’t feel jumping up and down happy. Yet he says we are supposed to rejoice through manifold temptations. So I looked up the definition of joy, it is “a state of happiness or felicity: a source or cause of delight.” The part of this definition that hit me was the “a source or cause of delight.” Ok so I know that Christ is to be my source of happiness and delight, but then again when I am going through hard times I don’t exactly feel the exuberant kind of joy.
But then back in the I Peter book Rand made a very interesting statement, he said that “joy is holy optimism.” Well, at least for me, that put a whole new idea to the word joy. Joy doesn’t necessarily have to be a happiness that makes you want to jump up and down, but it’s knowing that God has complete control of the situation. So while the “manifold temptation” may not be very enjoyable, you can have joy, in the sense that you can have a good attitude about the trial you are going through. So when Peter was talking about joy he was talking about having a good attitude and being “happy” through trials, because He will always be there to help you through the “season”.
Ok so now that I have written another book, I’ll quit babbling lol
I hope ya’ll are learning as much as I am!
Love in Christ,
Kristin Hanson
February 8, 2008
Jesus Christ the same yesterday......
February 7, 2008
A Little Quiz... On 1 Peter
I made a quiz for all quizzers (unless you're not one and you want to try it anyway)of 1 Peter that I made on www.quizyourfriends.com/. I thought you might enjoy it (or perhaps I thought I might enjoy seeing how many you get wrong;). Just type in (or copy)the address:
Mark D.
Mark D.
February 6, 2008
Great is THY faithfulness, O God my Father!
Since I finished my study through Micah last week and was waiting for the 1 Peter books to arrive, I picked up my “What do I know about my God?” study where I had left it after Thanksgiving. Its been taking me a while to get through each chapter, because most of the verses will go under several different categories so by the time I finish a chapter, I have written it out about three different times altogether. Anyways, all that is to say that I am only in chapter 34! And I had been working on this study since camp!!!! I still have 116 more chapters to go! ;) But it’s been really neat to find out more about my God. I have almost filled two notebooks full and if I have managed to get that much off of only 34 chapters, its exciting to think of how much more I have to learn!
Ok, now for the actual point that I want to share. In Psalms 34:1-3 it says “I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together.” Basically David is saying “All I ever want to do is praise God!” I found this really interesting. For me, I know it can be so easy, when talking with others, to talk about the things I am struggling with and how I am failing in this area or that area, or to start discussing how humans are so completely stupid! ;) And not that talking about those things is bad. In fact, sometimes those conversations really help me realize what I need to change! But so many times, I get caught up with beating myself over the head, because of how much I am failing, that I forget to mention how faithful God is! David said “O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together” David was excited to share with others the greatness of his God. He even goes on to list a bunch of ways that God has proved Himself over and over to us. Since this is something I too have been learning, I want to share with you the list, which I gathered and wrote, of things that David mentions in Chapter 34 about God’s faithfulness.
God is Faithful Because…
1. He hears me
2. He delivers me from all my fears
3. He makes me be not ashamed
4. He saves me from out of all my troubles
5. The angel of the Lord encamps (places or establishes) about me
6. He completely satisfies…”There is no want to them that fear Him”
7. He is watching over the righteous
8. His ears are open unto my cry
9. He is near those who have a contrite heart
10. He protects me from the enemy
11. He redeems his servants
12. those who trust in Him will not be desolate (joyless, discontent, lonely)
We serve an awesome God!
Ok, now for the actual point that I want to share. In Psalms 34:1-3 it says “I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together.” Basically David is saying “All I ever want to do is praise God!” I found this really interesting. For me, I know it can be so easy, when talking with others, to talk about the things I am struggling with and how I am failing in this area or that area, or to start discussing how humans are so completely stupid! ;) And not that talking about those things is bad. In fact, sometimes those conversations really help me realize what I need to change! But so many times, I get caught up with beating myself over the head, because of how much I am failing, that I forget to mention how faithful God is! David said “O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together” David was excited to share with others the greatness of his God. He even goes on to list a bunch of ways that God has proved Himself over and over to us. Since this is something I too have been learning, I want to share with you the list, which I gathered and wrote, of things that David mentions in Chapter 34 about God’s faithfulness.
God is Faithful Because…
1. He hears me
2. He delivers me from all my fears
3. He makes me be not ashamed
4. He saves me from out of all my troubles
5. The angel of the Lord encamps (places or establishes) about me
6. He completely satisfies…”There is no want to them that fear Him”
7. He is watching over the righteous
8. His ears are open unto my cry
9. He is near those who have a contrite heart
10. He protects me from the enemy
11. He redeems his servants
12. those who trust in Him will not be desolate (joyless, discontent, lonely)
We serve an awesome God!
February 5, 2008
1 Samuel
I have been studying 1 Samuel on my own.
In the first chapter Hannah is crying out to God because she cannot give children to her husband. She makes a bargain with God saying she will give the child to him if he will give her one. When she has Samuel she is so happy, when he is old enough they take him to the temple and leave him there with Eli. I was thinking If I were in Hannah's place i most likely would have forgotten ( or tried not to remember) about my promise to God, but Hannah Was Faithful.
Then it goes on to the part where the Lord comes to Samuel. He tells samuel about what will happen to Eli's sons. Samuel tells Eli all that he had heard. That took a lot of courage, to tell a man that your sons are going to die. The Lord told Eli that He also was going to be punished because he saw that his sons were vile and he restrained them not. So, in otherwords when we see a sin, we can't just say oh well its not my business its theirs. Eli was going to be punished because he did not stop the sin.
Then when the Philistines took the ark in the battle, and Eli was told this and that his sons were dead he fell and broke his neck ( it also says he was fat, i never knew that before.. i know that was totally irrelevant, but I thought it was funny... =)
So then Samuel becomes the judge.
In chapter 8 the Israelites wanted a king and God told Samuel to let them have what they wanted, they would not be rejecting Samuel and his judging but, God and his reign. Samuel warned them about the king, but they still wern't satisfied with just God, so God said that he would leave them and he would not fight for them against the philistines. So in our lives when we are discontent we are saying God you aren't enough for me and I want more, God then withdraws himself from us. Its so easy to just expect that God will give us what we want and everything will be ok, but its either the one or the other.
Anyways, Thats where I am so far. I have been kinda reading it quickly about 2 chapters a day, but I have been learning a lot.
Praying for ya!
In the first chapter Hannah is crying out to God because she cannot give children to her husband. She makes a bargain with God saying she will give the child to him if he will give her one. When she has Samuel she is so happy, when he is old enough they take him to the temple and leave him there with Eli. I was thinking If I were in Hannah's place i most likely would have forgotten ( or tried not to remember) about my promise to God, but Hannah Was Faithful.
Then it goes on to the part where the Lord comes to Samuel. He tells samuel about what will happen to Eli's sons. Samuel tells Eli all that he had heard. That took a lot of courage, to tell a man that your sons are going to die. The Lord told Eli that He also was going to be punished because he saw that his sons were vile and he restrained them not. So, in otherwords when we see a sin, we can't just say oh well its not my business its theirs. Eli was going to be punished because he did not stop the sin.
Then when the Philistines took the ark in the battle, and Eli was told this and that his sons were dead he fell and broke his neck ( it also says he was fat, i never knew that before.. i know that was totally irrelevant, but I thought it was funny... =)
So then Samuel becomes the judge.
In chapter 8 the Israelites wanted a king and God told Samuel to let them have what they wanted, they would not be rejecting Samuel and his judging but, God and his reign. Samuel warned them about the king, but they still wern't satisfied with just God, so God said that he would leave them and he would not fight for them against the philistines. So in our lives when we are discontent we are saying God you aren't enough for me and I want more, God then withdraws himself from us. Its so easy to just expect that God will give us what we want and everything will be ok, but its either the one or the other.
Anyways, Thats where I am so far. I have been kinda reading it quickly about 2 chapters a day, but I have been learning a lot.
Praying for ya!
February 4, 2008
God's Love
Love was in God's eyes
when He looked upon you;
Love was in His voice
when He called you;
Love was in His hands
when He drew you;
Love was in His plans
when He led you;
Love was in His heart
when He made you His own.
-Roy Lessin, DaySpring co-founder
For God so loved the world, that
He gave His only begotten Son
that whosoever believeth in Him
should not perish but have
everlasting life.
John 3:16
when He looked upon you;
Love was in His voice
when He called you;
Love was in His hands
when He drew you;
Love was in His plans
when He led you;
Love was in His heart
when He made you His own.
-Roy Lessin, DaySpring co-founder
For God so loved the world, that
He gave His only begotten Son
that whosoever believeth in Him
should not perish but have
everlasting life.
John 3:16