February 26, 2008

Subjection and Honor

In the last couple weeks while quizzing while in chapter 3 the fun “debate” has been that wives are to be in subjection and husbands are to honor their wives. But on Sunday Greg made a good point, what exactly is are the definitions for subjection and honor? So I decided to look them up.

The definition for subjection is: to make (as oneself) amenable to the discipline and control of a superior. So in the verse Peter is saying that wives need to make themselves amendable (to change or modify for the better) to their husbands authority. I found that the word “amendable” was in the definition, very interesting. It would seem to me that Peter knew that submitting isn’t a natural instinct for women, yet we are commanded to do so anyways. Women are basically supposed to submit in almost every aspect of life, whether it is in a marriage, with parents, or in the church. And I know that’s something a lot of girls (or at least for me) need to work on!

The verb definition for honor is: to regard or treat with honor or respect. Well that was kinda vague so I looked up the definition for respect. The definition for respect is: to consider worthy of high regard. I also read in the I Peter book that a weaker vessel could be thought of as a precious china glass. Since I think it’s kinda weird for me to comment on this definition anymore, I am gonna stop :)

Anyways those are the Webster definitions to the words that we love to beat each other over the head with. :)
In Christ,
Kristin Hanson

1 comment:

Sigma said...

hmmmm....interesting. I guess it all goes back to what Mr. Huber was saying on Sunday. You gotta have both the honor and the subjection or neither one will work. Thanks for clarifying the definitions for us ;)
