February 5, 2008

1 Samuel

I have been studying 1 Samuel on my own.

In the first chapter Hannah is crying out to God because she cannot give children to her husband. She makes a bargain with God saying she will give the child to him if he will give her one. When she has Samuel she is so happy, when he is old enough they take him to the temple and leave him there with Eli. I was thinking If I were in Hannah's place i most likely would have forgotten ( or tried not to remember) about my promise to God, but Hannah Was Faithful.

Then it goes on to the part where the Lord comes to Samuel. He tells samuel about what will happen to Eli's sons. Samuel tells Eli all that he had heard. That took a lot of courage, to tell a man that your sons are going to die. The Lord told Eli that He also was going to be punished because he saw that his sons were vile and he restrained them not. So, in otherwords when we see a sin, we can't just say oh well its not my business its theirs. Eli was going to be punished because he did not stop the sin.

Then when the Philistines took the ark in the battle, and Eli was told this and that his sons were dead he fell and broke his neck ( it also says he was fat, i never knew that before.. i know that was totally irrelevant, but I thought it was funny... =)
So then Samuel becomes the judge.

In chapter 8 the Israelites wanted a king and God told Samuel to let them have what they wanted, they would not be rejecting Samuel and his judging but, God and his reign. Samuel warned them about the king, but they still wern't satisfied with just God, so God said that he would leave them and he would not fight for them against the philistines. So in our lives when we are discontent we are saying God you aren't enough for me and I want more, God then withdraws himself from us. Its so easy to just expect that God will give us what we want and everything will be ok, but its either the one or the other.

Anyways, Thats where I am so far. I have been kinda reading it quickly about 2 chapters a day, but I have been learning a lot.
Praying for ya!

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