Oh, The Bitter Pain And Sorrow
Verse 1
Oh, the bitter pain and sorrow that a time could ever be,
When I proudly said to Jesus, all of self and none of Thee;
All of self and none of Thee, all of self and none of Thee,
When I proudly said to Jesus, all of self and none of Thee.
Verse 2
Yet He found me I beheld Him bleeding on the accursed tree,
And my selfish heart said faintly some of self and some of Thee;
Some of self and some of Thee, some of self and some of Thee,
And my selfish heart said faintly some of self and some of Thee
Verse 3
Day by day His tender mercies healing helping full and free,
Brought me lower while I whispered less of self and more of Thee;
Less of self and more of Thee, less of self and more of Thee,
Brought me lower while I whispered less of self and more of Thee
Verse 4
Higher than the highest heavens, deeper than the deepest sea,
Lord thy love at last had conquered none of self and all of Thee;
None of self and all of Thee, none of self and all of Thee,
Lord thy love at last had conquered none of self and all of Thee.
September 30, 2008
September 29, 2008
God does answer prayer
ok, i know i haven't posted anything in a while and i'm sooo sorry.Well here's what God showed me this past weekend.We went to phila. to do the walk a-thon for my cousin danny and it was awesome!!! well anyways, we had to pick up my aunts furniture on our way out(my aunt lives in phila) and if you've ever been to phila,it's very hard to find a parking spot.well my aunt lives in this row of houses
which has a very narrow street and it is very rare to find a spot to park in there,and we had our big van to top it all off.so i started to ask God to provide us with a spot to park because we really didn't feel like carrying my aunts furniture like 3 blocks away.so we are driving down this tiny little street looking for a spot to park and we all thought there wasn't going to be any spots,but we all were wrong.well while we were driving down the street,there was this spot right in front of my aunts house!! now no one can say that God didn't answer prayer in that situation.see God answers the littlest prayers as well as the big ones.well i just felt like sharing that with all of u and i hope everyone has a nice day!!!
In Christ,
zach read
which has a very narrow street and it is very rare to find a spot to park in there,and we had our big van to top it all off.so i started to ask God to provide us with a spot to park because we really didn't feel like carrying my aunts furniture like 3 blocks away.so we are driving down this tiny little street looking for a spot to park and we all thought there wasn't going to be any spots,but we all were wrong.well while we were driving down the street,there was this spot right in front of my aunts house!! now no one can say that God didn't answer prayer in that situation.see God answers the littlest prayers as well as the big ones.well i just felt like sharing that with all of u and i hope everyone has a nice day!!!
In Christ,
zach read
September 25, 2008
September 22, 2008
The Tore
You probably know the tortoise and the hare story...where the tortoise and the hare are going to race. The hare gets way ahead and decides that since he's so far ahead, he will take a nap. The slow, but steady tortoise passes him, a couple hours later and continues on to the finish line. The hare wakes up and frantically runs to the finish line on;y to find that the tortoise is already there!
In your christian life, don't just walk along and stop here and there to take in the scenery! Don't run hard and then stop completely...that's even worse!
Run as hard as you can and don't stop!
And by the way... The Tore is a word i made up! Its a cross between the tortoise and the hare.. =)
In your christian life, don't just walk along and stop here and there to take in the scenery! Don't run hard and then stop completely...that's even worse!
Run as hard as you can and don't stop!
And by the way... The Tore is a word i made up! Its a cross between the tortoise and the hare.. =)
September 19, 2008
Spiritually Confused??
Ok, so I actually have two things I want to post..... and I didn't want to wait and forget so.... this is gonna be one LONG post ( but, that's ok for ME... because it's not my usual habit.. ;) They are both from the book "MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST" ( my favorite book as you all should know by now )
The first part is about spiritual confusion....
"Ye know not what ye ask." Matthew 20:22
There are times in spiritual life when there is confusion, and it is no way out to say that there ought not to be confusion. It is not a question of right and wrong, but a question of God taking you by a way which in the meantime you do not understand, and it is only by going through the confusion that you will get at what God wants.
The Shrouding of His Friendship.
Luke 11:5-8.
Jesus gave the illustration of the man who looked as if he did not care for his friend, and He said that that is how the Heavenly Father will appear to you at times. You will think He is an unkind friend, but remember He is not; the time will come when everything will be explained. There is a cloud on the friendship of the heart, and often even love itself has to wait in pain and tears for the blessing of fuller communion. When God looks completely shrouded, will you hang on in confidence in Him?
The Shadow on His Fatherhood.
Luke 11:11-13.
Jesus says there are times when your Father will appear as if He were an unnatural father, as if He were callous and indifferent, but remember He is not; I have told you - "Everyone that asketh receiveth." If there is a shadow on the face of the Father just now, hang onto it that He will ultimately give His clear revealing and justify Himself in all that He permitted.
The Strangeness of His Faithfulness.
Luke 18:1-8. "When the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?"
Will He find the faith which banks on Him in spite of the confusion? Stand off in faith believing that what Jesus said is true, though in the meantime you do not under stand what God is doing. He has bigger issues at stake than the particular things you ask.
So, even when it appears that God does not really care for you, hang onto the fact that he is never-changing and soon God will bring out the real reason He seemed so far away. Remember He sees the big picture - you do not!
This second part is about the step that comes after surrender....
"I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do." John 17:4
Surrender is not the surrender of the external life, but of the will; when that is done, all is done. There are very few crises in life; the great crisis is the surrender of the will. God never crushes a man's will into surrender, He never beseeches him, He waits until the man yields up his will to Him. That battle never needs to be re-fought.
Surrender for Deliverance.
"Come unto Me and I will give you rest."
It is after we have begun to experience what salvation means that we surrender our wills to Jesus for rest. Whatever is perplexing heart or mind is a call to the will - "Come unto Me." It is a voluntary coming.
Surrender for Devotion.
"If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself."
The surrender here is of my self to Jesus, my self with His rest at the heart of it. "If you would be My disciple, give up your right to yourself to Me." Then the remainder of the life is nothing but the manifestation of this surrender. When once the surrender has taken place we never need "suppose" anything. We do not need to care what our circumstances are, Jesus is amply sufficient.
Surrender for Death.
John 21:18-19. ". . . another shall gird thee."
Have you learned what it means to be bound for death? Beware of a surrender which you make to God in an ecstasy; you are apt to take it back again. It is a question of being united with Jesus in His death until nothing ever appeals to you that did not appeal to Him.
After surrender - what? The whole of the life after surrender is an aspiration for unbroken communion with God.
One of the main things I got from this was that surrender is not just on the exterior. So many times I " surrender something, but in my heart I know that I am not really willing to give it up. Or I get one thing right, and then I kinda just expect that things will be "ok" again. But, am I truly searching where I need to change? And am I really giving things over to God so that he can use me? Or am I doing it because I know it's best for me? ( cooperative rebel ) Our goal with surrender is to have an unbroken relationship with him!!!!
Praying for you always!
~The Bible will keep you from sin, and sin will keep you from the Bible!
The first part is about spiritual confusion....
"Ye know not what ye ask." Matthew 20:22
There are times in spiritual life when there is confusion, and it is no way out to say that there ought not to be confusion. It is not a question of right and wrong, but a question of God taking you by a way which in the meantime you do not understand, and it is only by going through the confusion that you will get at what God wants.
The Shrouding of His Friendship.
Luke 11:5-8.
Jesus gave the illustration of the man who looked as if he did not care for his friend, and He said that that is how the Heavenly Father will appear to you at times. You will think He is an unkind friend, but remember He is not; the time will come when everything will be explained. There is a cloud on the friendship of the heart, and often even love itself has to wait in pain and tears for the blessing of fuller communion. When God looks completely shrouded, will you hang on in confidence in Him?
The Shadow on His Fatherhood.
Luke 11:11-13.
Jesus says there are times when your Father will appear as if He were an unnatural father, as if He were callous and indifferent, but remember He is not; I have told you - "Everyone that asketh receiveth." If there is a shadow on the face of the Father just now, hang onto it that He will ultimately give His clear revealing and justify Himself in all that He permitted.
The Strangeness of His Faithfulness.
Luke 18:1-8. "When the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?"
Will He find the faith which banks on Him in spite of the confusion? Stand off in faith believing that what Jesus said is true, though in the meantime you do not under stand what God is doing. He has bigger issues at stake than the particular things you ask.
So, even when it appears that God does not really care for you, hang onto the fact that he is never-changing and soon God will bring out the real reason He seemed so far away. Remember He sees the big picture - you do not!
This second part is about the step that comes after surrender....
"I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do." John 17:4
Surrender is not the surrender of the external life, but of the will; when that is done, all is done. There are very few crises in life; the great crisis is the surrender of the will. God never crushes a man's will into surrender, He never beseeches him, He waits until the man yields up his will to Him. That battle never needs to be re-fought.
Surrender for Deliverance.
"Come unto Me and I will give you rest."
It is after we have begun to experience what salvation means that we surrender our wills to Jesus for rest. Whatever is perplexing heart or mind is a call to the will - "Come unto Me." It is a voluntary coming.
Surrender for Devotion.
"If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself."
The surrender here is of my self to Jesus, my self with His rest at the heart of it. "If you would be My disciple, give up your right to yourself to Me." Then the remainder of the life is nothing but the manifestation of this surrender. When once the surrender has taken place we never need "suppose" anything. We do not need to care what our circumstances are, Jesus is amply sufficient.
Surrender for Death.
John 21:18-19. ". . . another shall gird thee."
Have you learned what it means to be bound for death? Beware of a surrender which you make to God in an ecstasy; you are apt to take it back again. It is a question of being united with Jesus in His death until nothing ever appeals to you that did not appeal to Him.
After surrender - what? The whole of the life after surrender is an aspiration for unbroken communion with God.
One of the main things I got from this was that surrender is not just on the exterior. So many times I " surrender something, but in my heart I know that I am not really willing to give it up. Or I get one thing right, and then I kinda just expect that things will be "ok" again. But, am I truly searching where I need to change? And am I really giving things over to God so that he can use me? Or am I doing it because I know it's best for me? ( cooperative rebel ) Our goal with surrender is to have an unbroken relationship with him!!!!
Praying for you always!
~The Bible will keep you from sin, and sin will keep you from the Bible!
September 18, 2008
how great the fathers love
hi guys hows it going? its has been a long week with many failures. through it all God has been teaching me about complaining and how badly it can make a bad situation worse. God has helped me to a place were im starting to under stand that all things come from him and that complaining when he hands me a bad situation is a sin and with that under standing, I need to remember that He calls us to praise Him at all
times not just the good ones. so pray for me that tomorrow when im carrying 112 80lb
bags of concrete down a long flight of stairs that I'll remember to praise Him. Thanks for listining to me ramble i hope my failures can help to point out the things not to do.
your bro in christ Jacob V
times not just the good ones. so pray for me that tomorrow when im carrying 112 80lb
bags of concrete down a long flight of stairs that I'll remember to praise Him. Thanks for listining to me ramble i hope my failures can help to point out the things not to do.
your bro in christ Jacob V
Burnt Cake
(No, the title of this post has nothing to do with the picture below here ;)
I have been doing a study in Hosea recently and have been thoroughly enjoying it! Its taking me a while to get through each chapter because they are so packed full and each verse and chapter connects with each other in some way and sometimes it takes me a while to figure out all the connecting dots. ;) Anyways, I've been having fun studying the book of Hosea and if you're looking for a new book to read, I'd highly recommend it! (And yes, I know, I know...this post turned out rather long, but hey, its what God has been teaching me and what can I say? I have a lot to learn!)
Hosea 7:8- "Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned."
I came across this verse the other day and was wondering what it meant. "Ephraim is a cake not turned." What?!? With my curiosity aroused, I went to my Matthew Henry Commentary book and looked it up. What I found was very interesting. Basically, this is what it said... "Ephraim is constantly having ups and downs between wanting God and seeking the world. Because of this he is like a cake not turned. Burnt on one side and dough on the other, but good for nothing on either side."
Hosea 10:2- "Their heart is divided; now shall they be found faulty (guilty)"
"Only two choices on the shelf, pleasing God or pleasing self." Jim Berg)
God isn't satisfied with sharing the first place in our hearts. He wants to be first ALONE. If we aren't serving God with our whole heart, we are going to be of no use to Him. Ephraim and Israel are constantly being shown how quickly they turn their back on God and turn to other things. Hosea 8:13-14a "They sacrifice flesh for the sacrifices of mine offerings, and eat it; but the LORD accepteth them not; now will he remember their iniquity, and visit their sins: they shall return to Egypt. For Israel hath forgotten his Maker" How can the Lord accept a sacrifice of flesh from them when what He truly wants is the sacrifice of a penitent, believing heart?
Hosea 9:10b "Their abominations were according as they loved" This was Israels crime. They had left their FIRST love.
In the previous part of the chapter it says “Israel shall cry unto Me, My God, we know Thee!” (Hosea 8:2) When the judgment of God comes upon Israel they shall cry out, in their hypocrisy, that they know God. Matthew Henry responded to this verse well by saying “What good is it to a man to say ‘My God, I know Thee!’ when he cannot say ‘My God, I love Thee!’” OUCH!
Skipping ahead to the later chapters we come across some of the neatest verses. 11:7- "And my people are bent to backsliding from me: though they called them to the most High, none at all would exalt him." God knows that we are "prone to wander" and yet He goes on to say "How shall I give thee up, Ephraim? how shall I deliver thee (to judgement), Israel? how shall I make thee as Admah? how shall I set thee as Zeboim? mine heart is turned within me, my repentings are kindled together." Basically God is saying "How can I let you go? I love you!" - (Oh Wondrous Love that will not let me go. I cling to You, with all my strength and soul! Yet if my hold should ever fail, YOUR wondrous love will never let me go! Oh Wondrous love thats come to dwell in me! Lord, who am I, that I should come to know Your tender voice, assuring me Your wondrous love will never let me go?) God makes a promise to Israel and says "I will not execute the fierceness of mine anger, I will not return to destroy Ephraim: for I am God, and not man; the Holy One in the midst of thee:" God isn't saying that we will never pay the consequences of our sin; but rather that He will not utterly destroy us like we deserve! And His grace and mercy will always be there for us when we need it. Hosea 14:4- "I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely; for mine anger is turned away from them." (I'm resting in the everlasting arms, In the ever-faithful heart, the Sheperd of my life! You carry me, on Your mighty wings of Grace, keeping me until the day I look into Your eyes!)
I will end this by giving you the promise of Hosea 13:9-19, 14 "O Israel," (I can just picture how God is sadly shaking His head at them)"O Israel! Thou hast destroyed thyself!....BUT... in me is thine help! I will be Thy King! I will ransom them from from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death" and because of this our response should be "Come, let us return unto the Lord; for He hath torn and He will heal us. He hath smitten and He will bind us up" (Hosea 6:1)
(Oh Wondrous love that sings of Calvary. The sweetest sound this sinner has ever known; The song of Your redeeming Son, Whose Wondrous love will never let me go!)
In Awe of Him,
I have been doing a study in Hosea recently and have been thoroughly enjoying it! Its taking me a while to get through each chapter because they are so packed full and each verse and chapter connects with each other in some way and sometimes it takes me a while to figure out all the connecting dots. ;) Anyways, I've been having fun studying the book of Hosea and if you're looking for a new book to read, I'd highly recommend it! (And yes, I know, I know...this post turned out rather long, but hey, its what God has been teaching me and what can I say? I have a lot to learn!)
Hosea 7:8- "Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned."
I came across this verse the other day and was wondering what it meant. "Ephraim is a cake not turned." What?!? With my curiosity aroused, I went to my Matthew Henry Commentary book and looked it up. What I found was very interesting. Basically, this is what it said... "Ephraim is constantly having ups and downs between wanting God and seeking the world. Because of this he is like a cake not turned. Burnt on one side and dough on the other, but good for nothing on either side."
Hosea 10:2- "Their heart is divided; now shall they be found faulty (guilty)"
"Only two choices on the shelf, pleasing God or pleasing self." Jim Berg)
God isn't satisfied with sharing the first place in our hearts. He wants to be first ALONE. If we aren't serving God with our whole heart, we are going to be of no use to Him. Ephraim and Israel are constantly being shown how quickly they turn their back on God and turn to other things. Hosea 8:13-14a "They sacrifice flesh for the sacrifices of mine offerings, and eat it; but the LORD accepteth them not; now will he remember their iniquity, and visit their sins: they shall return to Egypt. For Israel hath forgotten his Maker" How can the Lord accept a sacrifice of flesh from them when what He truly wants is the sacrifice of a penitent, believing heart?
Hosea 9:10b "Their abominations were according as they loved" This was Israels crime. They had left their FIRST love.
In the previous part of the chapter it says “Israel shall cry unto Me, My God, we know Thee!” (Hosea 8:2) When the judgment of God comes upon Israel they shall cry out, in their hypocrisy, that they know God. Matthew Henry responded to this verse well by saying “What good is it to a man to say ‘My God, I know Thee!’ when he cannot say ‘My God, I love Thee!’” OUCH!
Skipping ahead to the later chapters we come across some of the neatest verses. 11:7- "And my people are bent to backsliding from me: though they called them to the most High, none at all would exalt him." God knows that we are "prone to wander" and yet He goes on to say "How shall I give thee up, Ephraim? how shall I deliver thee (to judgement), Israel? how shall I make thee as Admah? how shall I set thee as Zeboim? mine heart is turned within me, my repentings are kindled together." Basically God is saying "How can I let you go? I love you!" - (Oh Wondrous Love that will not let me go. I cling to You, with all my strength and soul! Yet if my hold should ever fail, YOUR wondrous love will never let me go! Oh Wondrous love thats come to dwell in me! Lord, who am I, that I should come to know Your tender voice, assuring me Your wondrous love will never let me go?) God makes a promise to Israel and says "I will not execute the fierceness of mine anger, I will not return to destroy Ephraim: for I am God, and not man; the Holy One in the midst of thee:" God isn't saying that we will never pay the consequences of our sin; but rather that He will not utterly destroy us like we deserve! And His grace and mercy will always be there for us when we need it. Hosea 14:4- "I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely; for mine anger is turned away from them." (I'm resting in the everlasting arms, In the ever-faithful heart, the Sheperd of my life! You carry me, on Your mighty wings of Grace, keeping me until the day I look into Your eyes!)
I will end this by giving you the promise of Hosea 13:9-19, 14 "O Israel," (I can just picture how God is sadly shaking His head at them)"O Israel! Thou hast destroyed thyself!....BUT... in me is thine help! I will be Thy King! I will ransom them from from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death" and because of this our response should be "Come, let us return unto the Lord; for He hath torn and He will heal us. He hath smitten and He will bind us up" (Hosea 6:1)
(Oh Wondrous love that sings of Calvary. The sweetest sound this sinner has ever known; The song of Your redeeming Son, Whose Wondrous love will never let me go!)
In Awe of Him,
September 17, 2008
Another Birthday is Here!

September 16, 2008
Unresolved Sin Leads to....a Rotten Life.
I recently took a look at the life of Saul. He started out pretty well. He was appointed the first King of Israel. The scripture has this to say about Saul,”A choice young man, and a goodly: and there was not among the children of Israel a goodlier person than he: from his shoulders and upward he was higher than any of the people.” In my words he was tall, strong, and handsome. He wins his first battle. Not a bad start.
Then Saul sins. Things don't look good going into a battle and Samuel isn't showing up to offer the burnt offering to God, so Saul goes ahead and offers the burnt offering himself. Samuel shows up and Saul makes excuses. This is the first step in the wrong direction. He sinned(don't we all) and didn't repent. Repentance and confession is what clears the air between us and God. “If we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleans us from all unrighteousness.” When we allow a known sin to go unconfessed, we are cutting our communication with God and giving Satan a foothold. As I heard one preacher say, “You gave him the foothold, and you will have a slug fest to get it back.” After Saul's sin, Samuel tells Saul that his kingdom would not continue. Saul still doesn't repent. Saul's life goes down hill from there.
Saul sins again by saving some of the spoils of war when he was commanded to destroy them. Samuel confronts him and he again makes excuses. Samuel reprimands him and Saul repents. Saul says, “I have sinned: yet honor me now, I Pray thee, before the elders of my people, and before Israel, and turn again with me, that I may worship the Lord thy God.” This next verse in John is a cross reference to that verse above. John 5:44 How can ye believe, which receive honor one of another, and seek not the honor that cometh form God only? Samuel then anoints David king over Israel.
I Sam. 16:14 But the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him. My bible has a note beside the word troubled, it means that he was terrified. It is interesting to note that after the spirit of the Lord departed from him, Saul's life is filled with fear. Fear of David, fear of death, and fear of his enemies. Saul had given Satan ground in his life and that Satan was taking advantage of it.
For lack of time I am going to skip ahead a little in the story. After a battle against the philistines the women come out rejoicing and saying “ Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands. And Saul was very wroth, and the saying displeased him; and he said, They have ascribed unto David ten thousands, and to me they have ascribed but thousands: and what can he have more but the kingdom?” Good question. All the fame that Saul used to have was now outdone by David. The Lord was with David and not with Saul. The bible says in the next verse, “And Saul eyed David from that day and forward.” Saul now adds jealousy/envy to his list of problems.
I believe that if Saul had repented to the Lord and humbled himself before Him, that the story of Saul wouldn't have ended so sadly. But he refused to humble himself. The story of Saul was a reminder to me that when I allow sin in my life, I am not only putting a block between me and God, but I am giving Satan an area of my life. It is easier to defend ground than to take it back. Just as disease spreads to all areas of the body, so sin effects many areas of our life. I know that there are areas in my own life that I am struggling with. Recently I have been struggling with jealousy/envy. It seems that someone else always has things better than I do. The other day I heard a little quote that made a lot of sense. “Its not fair to compare.” Every time I wish I had something that someone else has I am comparing what they have to what I have or don't have. The story of Saul impressed upon me the necessity of taking care of that sin properly. There are many other aspects of Saul's life that I can identify with. Pride... ya I am still dealing with that one. One other thing that jumped out at me was that not dealing with sin is a sure-fire way to live a life void of any joy.
Then Saul sins. Things don't look good going into a battle and Samuel isn't showing up to offer the burnt offering to God, so Saul goes ahead and offers the burnt offering himself. Samuel shows up and Saul makes excuses. This is the first step in the wrong direction. He sinned(don't we all) and didn't repent. Repentance and confession is what clears the air between us and God. “If we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleans us from all unrighteousness.” When we allow a known sin to go unconfessed, we are cutting our communication with God and giving Satan a foothold. As I heard one preacher say, “You gave him the foothold, and you will have a slug fest to get it back.” After Saul's sin, Samuel tells Saul that his kingdom would not continue. Saul still doesn't repent. Saul's life goes down hill from there.
Saul sins again by saving some of the spoils of war when he was commanded to destroy them. Samuel confronts him and he again makes excuses. Samuel reprimands him and Saul repents. Saul says, “I have sinned: yet honor me now, I Pray thee, before the elders of my people, and before Israel, and turn again with me, that I may worship the Lord thy God.” This next verse in John is a cross reference to that verse above. John 5:44 How can ye believe, which receive honor one of another, and seek not the honor that cometh form God only? Samuel then anoints David king over Israel.
I Sam. 16:14 But the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him. My bible has a note beside the word troubled, it means that he was terrified. It is interesting to note that after the spirit of the Lord departed from him, Saul's life is filled with fear. Fear of David, fear of death, and fear of his enemies. Saul had given Satan ground in his life and that Satan was taking advantage of it.
For lack of time I am going to skip ahead a little in the story. After a battle against the philistines the women come out rejoicing and saying “ Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands. And Saul was very wroth, and the saying displeased him; and he said, They have ascribed unto David ten thousands, and to me they have ascribed but thousands: and what can he have more but the kingdom?” Good question. All the fame that Saul used to have was now outdone by David. The Lord was with David and not with Saul. The bible says in the next verse, “And Saul eyed David from that day and forward.” Saul now adds jealousy/envy to his list of problems.
I believe that if Saul had repented to the Lord and humbled himself before Him, that the story of Saul wouldn't have ended so sadly. But he refused to humble himself. The story of Saul was a reminder to me that when I allow sin in my life, I am not only putting a block between me and God, but I am giving Satan an area of my life. It is easier to defend ground than to take it back. Just as disease spreads to all areas of the body, so sin effects many areas of our life. I know that there are areas in my own life that I am struggling with. Recently I have been struggling with jealousy/envy. It seems that someone else always has things better than I do. The other day I heard a little quote that made a lot of sense. “Its not fair to compare.” Every time I wish I had something that someone else has I am comparing what they have to what I have or don't have. The story of Saul impressed upon me the necessity of taking care of that sin properly. There are many other aspects of Saul's life that I can identify with. Pride... ya I am still dealing with that one. One other thing that jumped out at me was that not dealing with sin is a sure-fire way to live a life void of any joy.
Galatians 1:6
Galatians 1:6 I marvel, that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ, unto another gospel.
Paul marveled, at the Galatians that slid away from their decisions they made for God. Have you been keeping your decisions from camp? If not your just like the Galatians.
the next verse says which is not another though there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
Some times someone we know will get us to go against our decisions. Choose friends that will help you not hurt you. Keep your decisions, this has eternal rewards!
September 14, 2008
Psalm 40
1I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.
2He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.
3And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.
These are the verses I read in sunday school this morning... I think they are really good verses so i wanted to put them up here so you all could look at them more closely, and I think I forgot to say what reference it was. But, just in case you you were wondering... here you go!
2He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.
3And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.
These are the verses I read in sunday school this morning... I think they are really good verses so i wanted to put them up here so you all could look at them more closely, and I think I forgot to say what reference it was. But, just in case you you were wondering... here you go!
September 10, 2008
The Value of a Struggle
A man found a cocoon of a butterfly, and he brought it home. One day, a small opening appeared in the cocoon. The man sat and watched the cocoon for several hours as the butterfly struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making progress. It appeared as if the butterfly had gotten as far as it could, and it could go no farther. The man decided to help the butterfly in its struggle. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon...and the butterfly emerged easily. As the butterfly emerged, the man was surprised. It had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. He continued to watch the butterfly expecting that, at any moment, the wings would dry out, enlarge, and expand to support the swollen body. He knew that in time the body would contract, and the butterfly would be able to fly...but neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spend the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. What the man, in his kindness and haste, did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle were required for the butterfly to be able to fly. The butterfly must push its way through the tiny opening to force the fluid from its body and wings. Only by struggling through the opening can the butterfly's wings be ready for flight once it emerges from the cocoon.
The Moral- Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through life without any obstacles, it would cripple us, and we would not be as strong as we could have been.
The Moral- Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through life without any obstacles, it would cripple us, and we would not be as strong as we could have been.
September 9, 2008
The King of Glory
This is a passage i actually read by accident when i was going to read proverbs but i wasn't awake yet since it was in psalms an i didn't know it... lol. But this passage just reminded me of who God is and what the requirement is to be with him and it challenged me to strive for that harder:
Psalms 24
24:1 the earth is the Lords, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
24:2 For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.
24:3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place?
24:4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.
24:5 He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.
24:6 This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face O jacob. selah.
24:7 lift up your heads, o ye gates,; and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in.
24:8 Who is this King of glory? the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.
24:9 Lift up your heads, o ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the king of glory shall come in.
24:10 Who is this king of glory? The lord of hosts, he IS the King of Glory. selah.
I hate to make a book on a post but, i found a song that goes perfectly with this chapter, it is called : "How can it be?"
O Savior as my eyes behold the wonders of thy might untold,
the heavens in glorious night aray, how vast creation thou hast made.
and yet to think thou lovest me,
my heart crys out,
How can it be?
How can it be?
How can it be?
that God should love a soul like me,
O How can it be?
As at the cross i humbly bow and gaze upon Thy thorn crowned brow,
and view the precious bleeding form,
thy cruel nails so bruised and torn.
To know thy suffering was for me,
in grief i cry out How can it be?
How can it be?
How can it be?
that God should love a soul like me
O How can it be?
How can it be?
How can it be?
was ever grace so full and free? from heights of His,
to depths of woe in loving kindness thou dist go.
From sin and shame to rescue me O Lord divine How can it be?
How can it be?
How can it be?
that God should love soul like me O How can it be?
that God should love a soul LIKE ME. How can it be?
This song really convicted me, because i tend to take for granted that i am a child of God and live like i want to... Btw Chrystal, this is the passage i was talking about last sunday night...
Love in Christ,
Erik Hanson
Psalms 24
24:1 the earth is the Lords, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
24:2 For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.
24:3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place?
24:4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.
24:5 He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.
24:6 This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face O jacob. selah.
24:7 lift up your heads, o ye gates,; and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in.
24:8 Who is this King of glory? the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.
24:9 Lift up your heads, o ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the king of glory shall come in.
24:10 Who is this king of glory? The lord of hosts, he IS the King of Glory. selah.
I hate to make a book on a post but, i found a song that goes perfectly with this chapter, it is called : "How can it be?"
O Savior as my eyes behold the wonders of thy might untold,
the heavens in glorious night aray, how vast creation thou hast made.
and yet to think thou lovest me,
my heart crys out,
How can it be?
How can it be?
How can it be?
that God should love a soul like me,
O How can it be?
As at the cross i humbly bow and gaze upon Thy thorn crowned brow,
and view the precious bleeding form,
thy cruel nails so bruised and torn.
To know thy suffering was for me,
in grief i cry out How can it be?
How can it be?
How can it be?
that God should love a soul like me
O How can it be?
How can it be?
How can it be?
was ever grace so full and free? from heights of His,
to depths of woe in loving kindness thou dist go.
From sin and shame to rescue me O Lord divine How can it be?
How can it be?
How can it be?
that God should love soul like me O How can it be?
that God should love a soul LIKE ME. How can it be?
This song really convicted me, because i tend to take for granted that i am a child of God and live like i want to... Btw Chrystal, this is the passage i was talking about last sunday night...
Love in Christ,
Erik Hanson
September 8, 2008
being an example...
"Dear God, help me not to care what others may think of me. But, at the same time, please help me to care what others will think of my God, when they see my life. Amen" (the prayer of a pleading Child)
September 5, 2008
Birthday Greetings for Josh!
September 2, 2008
The Bible - "A Book Worth More than all the other Books that were ever printed" - (Patrick Henry)
I am going to be prefectly honest with you all. My spiritual life in these past few weeks has been most pitiful! I was defeated and discouraged in almost every way and well...I was pretty much miserable! My prayer life was basically non-existent and I had very little hunger for the Word. Honestly I was scared at how unresponsive I was being! However, I am SO thankful for godly friends who point my direction and focus off of myself and back where it needs to be. I e-mailed several friends and just asked them to pray for me. One friend, in particular, especially encouraged me. She wrote me back and simply said "Gods Word never changes!" Basically, in a very kind and gentle way she was saying. "If you don't have a desire to get into God's Word, the problem isn't with God's Word. The problem is with you! And if you ever want God's Word to become interesting, exciting and life-changing again, YOU are the one who is going to have to make some changes" Yes, in all reality it is a very simple thing, but sometimes we just need things pointed out to us. In another e-mail to me this same friend said something else, that I found most helpful and hope you will too...
"In many moments throughout the day you are discouraged, and struggling - with this or that, usually little matters that refuse to budge from your mind. This leads to frustration--no matter how hard you try, victory seems just out of your reach. I think this position in a Christian's life is precious, and however discouraging, is a strategic tool in God's plan for our lives. It grinds into our minds " I cannot get the victory. I cannot get the victory. I cannot get the victory." Our sin overwhelms us--- and we get extremely annoyed at the 'insignificant', habitual sins that hold us in bonds. Then- as we should expect our Savior to--- He gathers us in His arms and asks us, "who saved you?" "who forgave your sin?" "Who gives you victory over sin?" "Who grows you spiritually?" Of course--- the answer : the Lord, the Lord, the Lord.... I get really impatient some times- I see others who are more spiritually mature than me, and I see annoying habits in my life that I want fixed NOW! Isn't it good to remember----- Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness just learning, Joseph spent 13-15 (???) years in prison, Jesus didn't start his ministry until age 30, and Paul spent 3 years learning? If we are hurried- we can be assured God is not. He is perfectly working on you and me, molding us and changing us into His image (IN HIS TIMING!) He knows our frustrations, He sees all our faults--- and He's working on them- to make us more like Him- but this happens NOT overnight. Praise the Lord for struggle. For allowing us to feel defeated- so we offer Him the opportunity to give us the victory. For his perfect, unchanging character: Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord!"
As I was reading what she wrote to me I couldn't help but smile! It sounds exactly like something I would have written for it is what I have been going through recently. Every time I get discouraged, God has to remind me that He is the One that I need to turn to if I ever want to see my spiritual life changed and maturing. How can it be that our minds so easily forget that as we strive to live the Christian life? Especially when He alone is at the heart of the very meaning of the word Christianity!
If youre struggling...go to God's Word and read the promises He has for you. Read until you begin to grasp the unending love He has for you, despite how unfaithful you have been. Read until all you can do is fall on your knees, cry out to Him, and give Him the devotion He deserves. I went to Gods Word and He lead me to the book of Hosea. If you want a clear picture of how undeserving and unfaithful you really are, all while God holds out His continual forgiveness and love, you should go read Hosea for yourself sometime.
Anyways, having my focus pointed back to Christ and God's Word, another friend gave me a cd with a song on it that, unknowingly to her, deals with this exact thing. Katie Hefflefinger just gave me the cd, "If Eyes Could See" by the Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team, and the first song on there is "This is My Word" and it goes like this...
"As the Snow falls from heaven
As it comes in swirling showers from the sky,
So is my Word.
As the rains bring the water to the earth that is thristy and dry,
So is my Word.
And the Word of my mouth, it shall not return empty;
It will bless the earth wherever it is heard.
This is my Word.
As the rains bring renewal
And the tender buds begin to come alive,
So is my Word.
Giving seed to the sower,
And the bread to the hungry til they thrive
So is my Word.
And the Word of my mouth, it shall not return empty;
It will bless the earth wherever it is heard.
This is my Word.
O Lord, when I am weary,
When I feel the days I'm living are in vain,
My God, help me be faithful to the Word You have given to proclaim.
Proclaim the Word and you will go out in joy,
And be led forth in peace,
And the hills will break before you into song.
So be faithful, brave and true
For I will go before you.
And when your earthly journey here is done,
I'll say "Well Done! Well Done!"
God has given me victory in the last couple days, but please keep praying for me. I didn't tell you that I've been struggling just to make you all realize how unspiritual I really am! I value your prayers!
"In many moments throughout the day you are discouraged, and struggling - with this or that, usually little matters that refuse to budge from your mind. This leads to frustration--no matter how hard you try, victory seems just out of your reach. I think this position in a Christian's life is precious, and however discouraging, is a strategic tool in God's plan for our lives. It grinds into our minds " I cannot get the victory. I cannot get the victory. I cannot get the victory." Our sin overwhelms us--- and we get extremely annoyed at the 'insignificant', habitual sins that hold us in bonds. Then- as we should expect our Savior to--- He gathers us in His arms and asks us, "who saved you?" "who forgave your sin?" "Who gives you victory over sin?" "Who grows you spiritually?" Of course--- the answer : the Lord, the Lord, the Lord.... I get really impatient some times- I see others who are more spiritually mature than me, and I see annoying habits in my life that I want fixed NOW! Isn't it good to remember----- Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness just learning, Joseph spent 13-15 (???) years in prison, Jesus didn't start his ministry until age 30, and Paul spent 3 years learning? If we are hurried- we can be assured God is not. He is perfectly working on you and me, molding us and changing us into His image (IN HIS TIMING!) He knows our frustrations, He sees all our faults--- and He's working on them- to make us more like Him- but this happens NOT overnight. Praise the Lord for struggle. For allowing us to feel defeated- so we offer Him the opportunity to give us the victory. For his perfect, unchanging character: Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord!"
As I was reading what she wrote to me I couldn't help but smile! It sounds exactly like something I would have written for it is what I have been going through recently. Every time I get discouraged, God has to remind me that He is the One that I need to turn to if I ever want to see my spiritual life changed and maturing. How can it be that our minds so easily forget that as we strive to live the Christian life? Especially when He alone is at the heart of the very meaning of the word Christianity!
If youre struggling...go to God's Word and read the promises He has for you. Read until you begin to grasp the unending love He has for you, despite how unfaithful you have been. Read until all you can do is fall on your knees, cry out to Him, and give Him the devotion He deserves. I went to Gods Word and He lead me to the book of Hosea. If you want a clear picture of how undeserving and unfaithful you really are, all while God holds out His continual forgiveness and love, you should go read Hosea for yourself sometime.
Anyways, having my focus pointed back to Christ and God's Word, another friend gave me a cd with a song on it that, unknowingly to her, deals with this exact thing. Katie Hefflefinger just gave me the cd, "If Eyes Could See" by the Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team, and the first song on there is "This is My Word" and it goes like this...
"As the Snow falls from heaven
As it comes in swirling showers from the sky,
So is my Word.
As the rains bring the water to the earth that is thristy and dry,
So is my Word.
And the Word of my mouth, it shall not return empty;
It will bless the earth wherever it is heard.
This is my Word.
As the rains bring renewal
And the tender buds begin to come alive,
So is my Word.
Giving seed to the sower,
And the bread to the hungry til they thrive
So is my Word.
And the Word of my mouth, it shall not return empty;
It will bless the earth wherever it is heard.
This is my Word.
O Lord, when I am weary,
When I feel the days I'm living are in vain,
My God, help me be faithful to the Word You have given to proclaim.
Proclaim the Word and you will go out in joy,
And be led forth in peace,
And the hills will break before you into song.
So be faithful, brave and true
For I will go before you.
And when your earthly journey here is done,
I'll say "Well Done! Well Done!"
God has given me victory in the last couple days, but please keep praying for me. I didn't tell you that I've been struggling just to make you all realize how unspiritual I really am! I value your prayers!