September 2, 2008

The Bible - "A Book Worth More than all the other Books that were ever printed" - (Patrick Henry)

I am going to be prefectly honest with you all. My spiritual life in these past few weeks has been most pitiful! I was defeated and discouraged in almost every way and well...I was pretty much miserable! My prayer life was basically non-existent and I had very little hunger for the Word. Honestly I was scared at how unresponsive I was being! However, I am SO thankful for godly friends who point my direction and focus off of myself and back where it needs to be. I e-mailed several friends and just asked them to pray for me. One friend, in particular, especially encouraged me. She wrote me back and simply said "Gods Word never changes!" Basically, in a very kind and gentle way she was saying. "If you don't have a desire to get into God's Word, the problem isn't with God's Word. The problem is with you! And if you ever want God's Word to become interesting, exciting and life-changing again, YOU are the one who is going to have to make some changes" Yes, in all reality it is a very simple thing, but sometimes we just need things pointed out to us. In another e-mail to me this same friend said something else, that I found most helpful and hope you will too...

"In many moments throughout the day you are discouraged, and struggling - with this or that, usually little matters that refuse to budge from your mind. This leads to frustration--no matter how hard you try, victory seems just out of your reach. I think this position in a Christian's life is precious, and however discouraging, is a strategic tool in God's plan for our lives. It grinds into our minds " I cannot get the victory. I cannot get the victory. I cannot get the victory." Our sin overwhelms us--- and we get extremely annoyed at the 'insignificant', habitual sins that hold us in bonds. Then- as we should expect our Savior to--- He gathers us in His arms and asks us, "who saved you?" "who forgave your sin?" "Who gives you victory over sin?" "Who grows you spiritually?" Of course--- the answer : the Lord, the Lord, the Lord.... I get really impatient some times- I see others who are more spiritually mature than me, and I see annoying habits in my life that I want fixed NOW! Isn't it good to remember----- Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness just learning, Joseph spent 13-15 (???) years in prison, Jesus didn't start his ministry until age 30, and Paul spent 3 years learning? If we are hurried- we can be assured God is not. He is perfectly working on you and me, molding us and changing us into His image (IN HIS TIMING!) He knows our frustrations, He sees all our faults--- and He's working on them- to make us more like Him- but this happens NOT overnight. Praise the Lord for struggle. For allowing us to feel defeated- so we offer Him the opportunity to give us the victory. For his perfect, unchanging character: Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord!"

As I was reading what she wrote to me I couldn't help but smile! It sounds exactly like something I would have written for it is what I have been going through recently. Every time I get discouraged, God has to remind me that He is the One that I need to turn to if I ever want to see my spiritual life changed and maturing. How can it be that our minds so easily forget that as we strive to live the Christian life? Especially when He alone is at the heart of the very meaning of the word Christianity!

If youre struggling...go to God's Word and read the promises He has for you. Read until you begin to grasp the unending love He has for you, despite how unfaithful you have been. Read until all you can do is fall on your knees, cry out to Him, and give Him the devotion He deserves. I went to Gods Word and He lead me to the book of Hosea. If you want a clear picture of how undeserving and unfaithful you really are, all while God holds out His continual forgiveness and love, you should go read Hosea for yourself sometime.

Anyways, having my focus pointed back to Christ and God's Word, another friend gave me a cd with a song on it that, unknowingly to her, deals with this exact thing. Katie Hefflefinger just gave me the cd, "If Eyes Could See" by the Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team, and the first song on there is "This is My Word" and it goes like this...

"As the Snow falls from heaven
As it comes in swirling showers from the sky,
So is my Word.
As the rains bring the water to the earth that is thristy and dry,
So is my Word.
And the Word of my mouth, it shall not return empty;
It will bless the earth wherever it is heard.
This is my Word.

As the rains bring renewal
And the tender buds begin to come alive,
So is my Word.
Giving seed to the sower,
And the bread to the hungry til they thrive
So is my Word.
And the Word of my mouth, it shall not return empty;
It will bless the earth wherever it is heard.
This is my Word.

O Lord, when I am weary,
When I feel the days I'm living are in vain,
My God, help me be faithful to the Word You have given to proclaim.
Proclaim the Word and you will go out in joy,
And be led forth in peace,
And the hills will break before you into song.
So be faithful, brave and true
For I will go before you.
And when your earthly journey here is done,
I'll say "Well Done! Well Done!"

God has given me victory in the last couple days, but please keep praying for me. I didn't tell you that I've been struggling just to make you all realize how unspiritual I really am! I value your prayers!



mike said...

I have heard of a lot of people under attack right now, myself included. However, I also heard a sermon by a guy named Tom Harmon that has helped me a lot. Maybe it will help you and whoever else reads this blog.
The Sermon was based off of Ephesians six, the chapter about the spiritual armor God has given us, and Tom made a point of saying that we are not just given this armor as a nice little metaphor to make nice sermons out of. Sure, we fight against our our flesh, but we are also fighting against principalities, powers, and the rulers of darkness, a spiritual battle against forces that are stronger than us, otherwise God wouldn't have mentioned anything about armor. Don't underestimate the aggressive role Satan plays during tough and discouraging times. After all, Satan has a criminal history of attacking Christians who are too weak to fight back. Tom's advice was to use the only offensive weapon we are given, the only weapon that has the authority to make Satan back off-- the sword of the spirit, the Bible. God's word does have power over Satan if only we would use it as a weapon instead of reading it as a book. In his words “If Satan's going to attack you, make him pay.” Quote the verses Satan can't stand, verses like Revelation 19:1-3 and 19, verses that talk about God binding Satan and of Satan's coming defeat. We ought to love those verses if for no other reason than because Satan hates them. Too often we roll over when Satan attacks us. A better option is to attack Him through the word of God until he gets so uncomfortable he decides to move on to easier prey. Times of discouragement may be the hardest times to pray and quote scripture, but they are also the times when it is most important for us to fight back and watch God drive Satan away like the coward he is. I'll end this epistle with the one quote Tom gave. “God's word is like a lion. . . we don't need to defend it, we only need to let it loose.” It is an amazing comfort and encouragement to realize that although we fight against a deadly foe, God has the power over him and already has his defeat planned out. Don't lose sight of that when Satan tempts you to despair and make sure to remind him of it next time he comes to call.

Sigma said...

Thanks for sharing the main points from that message. It was encouraging to read. Where'd you hear of Tom Harmon? I've actually been thinking about doing/writing a study on the different parts of the armour sometime. It would be good for me. I also liked that quote that Tom gave at the end. He's absolutely right! I just wish I'd remember that more often.

I think part of the reason that so many of us are struggling right now, is because when one person gets defeated they stop praying for the others, and then that other person gets defeated and stops praying for others and so on and so on...until soon no one is getting the prayer support they need. I don't know about you, but I'm just thankful that God is faithful and never leaves my side, even when I leave His...
