July 27, 2008
But If Not...
For those of you who heard the VBS testimonies on Sunday this is going to be somewhat of the same thing that I was trying to say instead of bawling my eyes out! Its just that God has really been continuing to remind and teach me about this since VBS and I see how shallow my faith is compared to so many great leaders, missionaries and regular people from both the past and the present. After hearing that Bible lesson at VBS about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, I wanted to read the story for myself. Not that I hadn't heard it before, of course, but there was something in that story this time that just seemed to hit me anew. I went home and searched my Bible till I found the story of the fiery furnace. I read through most of the chapter and then I found the verses that I now know God had meant for me to find. Daniel 3:15-18b "but if ye worship not, ye shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace; and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands? Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up." When I read that it felt like they were almost preaching right at me. They were telling the king that though they knew he could throw them into the furnace in an instant, they also knew that their God was greater and that if He wanted to, He could get them out. They didn't tell the king that they were going to serve God IF He delivered them. They said they were going to serve God simply because they knew that He COULD save them. They realized the power of their God! They knew that He might not choose to save them and yet they were willing to take a tremendous stand simply because they knew that their God was powerful enough to deliver them if He wanted. This was really convicting for me. Is my faith really so shallow? How many times have I prayed for something (Like for a bunch of the kids at VBS to get saved) and then when God doesn't answer the way I asked or expected Him too, I get all upset and start to question Him. I wonder what in the world He is doing and show that I do not truly believe in Him. I simply want to use Him as a crutch to get what I want. Studying the lives of the three men in Daniel showed me that God doesn't want me to act based only on what I see Him do for me...He also wants me to act on the knowledge and truth of the fact that He is powerful enough to take three men through a fire, unharmed and without a hint of the smell of smoke on them. He wants me to go through trials or take a stand, with a strong faith in Him alone and resting in the fact that I know my God is powerful enough to do whatever He wants!
Ok, so after I shared some of this in the testimony Sunday night, Dr. Curtis came up to me and told me a story that goes along with those verses in Daniel. (Apparently my blubbering didn't stop him from being able to understand me. =) He asked me if I had ever heard of Don Kirk. I said "Who?" and he just started smiling. Apparently its not Don Kirk but rather Dunkirk and its not a person but a place. Ok, so I may be my fathers daughter but that doesn't mean I have his knack for history! ;) Anyways...you can Google this story online as the miracle at Dunkirk and lots of information will come up. Here is the story...
In early 1940 the British and their allies sent a force of some 350,000 men into the low countries of Europe to stem the tide of German advance into France, Belgium and Holland. Caught in a brilliant pincer movement by the invading German forces the beleaguered British Expeditionary Force was pushed back to the beaches of the small Belgian town of Dunkirk. To everyone's surprise the Germans halted their advance to regroup. As England and the world waited for what appeared to be the sure and certain annihilation of 350,000 men a three word message was transmitted from the besieged army at Dunkirk. It read simply, "But if not." The British people understood the biblical import of the cryptic message. It was a reference to the Old Testament book of Daniel, where Daniel and his friends chose death rather than worship an image of the pagan king, "If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up" (Daniel 3:17-18). The British Expeditionary Army, surrounded, cutoff and on the brink of destruction was declaring to Britain and to the world that even in apparent defeat they were, in fact, victorious. The message, more eloquent than a sermon delivered in St. Paul's Cathedral, galvanized the British people. In a matter of hours thousands of boats of every description, from yachts to fishing boats, headed across the dangerous waters of the English Channel and, at the risk of their own lives from enemy fire, began the evacuation of the heroic but beleaguered army in what historians now refer to as "the miracle of Dunkirk."
Our God is powerful. Our God is good. He can do whatever He wants and if He chooses to rescue us from trials then we will praise Him. But if not, we can still rest in His arms, knowing that He is in control. AMEN AND AMEN!!!!
In Awe of Him,
Ok, so after I shared some of this in the testimony Sunday night, Dr. Curtis came up to me and told me a story that goes along with those verses in Daniel. (Apparently my blubbering didn't stop him from being able to understand me. =) He asked me if I had ever heard of Don Kirk. I said "Who?" and he just started smiling. Apparently its not Don Kirk but rather Dunkirk and its not a person but a place. Ok, so I may be my fathers daughter but that doesn't mean I have his knack for history! ;) Anyways...you can Google this story online as the miracle at Dunkirk and lots of information will come up. Here is the story...
In early 1940 the British and their allies sent a force of some 350,000 men into the low countries of Europe to stem the tide of German advance into France, Belgium and Holland. Caught in a brilliant pincer movement by the invading German forces the beleaguered British Expeditionary Force was pushed back to the beaches of the small Belgian town of Dunkirk. To everyone's surprise the Germans halted their advance to regroup. As England and the world waited for what appeared to be the sure and certain annihilation of 350,000 men a three word message was transmitted from the besieged army at Dunkirk. It read simply, "But if not." The British people understood the biblical import of the cryptic message. It was a reference to the Old Testament book of Daniel, where Daniel and his friends chose death rather than worship an image of the pagan king, "If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up" (Daniel 3:17-18). The British Expeditionary Army, surrounded, cutoff and on the brink of destruction was declaring to Britain and to the world that even in apparent defeat they were, in fact, victorious. The message, more eloquent than a sermon delivered in St. Paul's Cathedral, galvanized the British people. In a matter of hours thousands of boats of every description, from yachts to fishing boats, headed across the dangerous waters of the English Channel and, at the risk of their own lives from enemy fire, began the evacuation of the heroic but beleaguered army in what historians now refer to as "the miracle of Dunkirk."
Our God is powerful. Our God is good. He can do whatever He wants and if He chooses to rescue us from trials then we will praise Him. But if not, we can still rest in His arms, knowing that He is in control. AMEN AND AMEN!!!!
In Awe of Him,
July 26, 2008
is'nt he wonderful
Hey everyone I was told by a anonymous source that I needed to make a new post.
The Lord has been placing in my mind lots of thoughts of the kids from VBS.
I've been thinking a lot about what happened at VBS and the 7 kids that came to know the Lord. And i think the the Lord has given me a heart for the kids that i got to know there. Some of them may not have been the best behaved but then I look at the people the Lord Jesus chose to spend his time with and die for. I hope i get the chance to see some of the kids again and that I might be able to help them find the relationship that I've found in Christ. and I'm sorry about how short this is I'm not the best at putting my thought down on a page. maby I can get some tips from Chrystal.
The Lord has been placing in my mind lots of thoughts of the kids from VBS.
I've been thinking a lot about what happened at VBS and the 7 kids that came to know the Lord. And i think the the Lord has given me a heart for the kids that i got to know there. Some of them may not have been the best behaved but then I look at the people the Lord Jesus chose to spend his time with and die for. I hope i get the chance to see some of the kids again and that I might be able to help them find the relationship that I've found in Christ. and I'm sorry about how short this is I'm not the best at putting my thought down on a page. maby I can get some tips from Chrystal.
July 24, 2008
July 22, 2008
Brasil Update
Oy (Hello) from Brasil (yes that is how it is suppose to be spelled),
I thought while I had a minute I would write what’s been going on here and what I’ve been learning. Figure that by the time I get back I’ll have learned and done SO much that it would take FOREVER to tell you all so might as well start now J
To begin, I know everyone that goes to a third world country says this but, America is SO blessed! I can’t even begin to describe to you how truly blessed we are! Compared to these people the American milkman is rich, and I am not exaggerating. From the moment we drove out of the airport it felt NOTHING like America! What I would have expected to see in a African poverty film is what you see all up and down the streets of Sao Paulo. There is trash everywhere, buildings are COVERED in graffiti, and are patched up with anything and everything you could imagine, everyone is running around barefoot on the streets, and the crime rate is so bad that they have to put fences around their trees because people will steal them. The average Brazilian makes a grand total of $7,000 U.S. dollars a YEAR!
To say the least, being here has really put life in perspective.
The biggest thing I have been spiritually challenged by though is the national pastor’s wife. Her name is Goretti (yeah have fun pronouncing it! Took my like a week to get it down) and she doesn’t speak a word of English. The notable thing about her is that she has TRUE joy. How do I know this? I can’t talk to her, I cant understand what she says to others, but I can tell by her actions and her face that she is a Godly woman. The biggest sign is that she is ALWAYS smiling, and not a fake smile but I genuine, joyful, happy smile. And even when her mouth isn’t smiling, her eyes are. You can SEE the joy of Jesus Christ coming through her face. People can literally SEE that there is something TRULY different about her. The kicker is, she lives in a house that (once again I am not exaggerating) is 85 square ft. After watching her for the past 2 weeks it has made me think “can people SEE the joy of Jesus Christ coming through my face? When I look at someone am I TRULY happy to see them and see what the Lord might/has been doing for them?”
Ok, so one more story and I am done with this book J
The missionaries I am with (the Huffmans) were back in the States about a month ago, and for several different reasons decided that they could no longer have their “sending church” be their “sending church” anymore. Well this church decided that because they could no longer be the “sending church” they were going to drop the Huffmans completely. Unfortunately, this church made up a very large part of the Huffman’s support, $700 a month to be exact.
Well, the Huffmans came back to Brazil and decided to just pray about it and trust God to raise them the support they need. So they have been praying for a month. Well Sunday night they get a call from a teeny tiny church in Oklahoma (and when I say teeny I mean it! They have like 80 members). David’s parents are out there right now doing a camp for this church and David’s dad had been talking about the Huffman’s with this pastor. The pastor asked how everything was going with David and Kim and David’s dad mentioned in passing about their sending church dropping all their support.
When the pastor heard this he immediately went to his mission’s board and said they had to do something. To make a long story short, the board and church have voted that for the next year they are going to send the Huffmans $750 a month! And at the end of the year they are going to continue sending them $200 a month! If you haven’t done the math yet, that is $50 MORE than what they had been previously receiving. Is God good or what?!
Anyways, that’s just a LITTLE bit of what I have been learning. I hope you are all doing good, I miss ya’ll like crazy! You can pray that I make the last week ok, I am getting a lil homesick for my family, bed, and English J
Love in Christ,
Kristin Hanson
Ps 73:28
I thought while I had a minute I would write what’s been going on here and what I’ve been learning. Figure that by the time I get back I’ll have learned and done SO much that it would take FOREVER to tell you all so might as well start now J
To begin, I know everyone that goes to a third world country says this but, America is SO blessed! I can’t even begin to describe to you how truly blessed we are! Compared to these people the American milkman is rich, and I am not exaggerating. From the moment we drove out of the airport it felt NOTHING like America! What I would have expected to see in a African poverty film is what you see all up and down the streets of Sao Paulo. There is trash everywhere, buildings are COVERED in graffiti, and are patched up with anything and everything you could imagine, everyone is running around barefoot on the streets, and the crime rate is so bad that they have to put fences around their trees because people will steal them. The average Brazilian makes a grand total of $7,000 U.S. dollars a YEAR!
To say the least, being here has really put life in perspective.
The biggest thing I have been spiritually challenged by though is the national pastor’s wife. Her name is Goretti (yeah have fun pronouncing it! Took my like a week to get it down) and she doesn’t speak a word of English. The notable thing about her is that she has TRUE joy. How do I know this? I can’t talk to her, I cant understand what she says to others, but I can tell by her actions and her face that she is a Godly woman. The biggest sign is that she is ALWAYS smiling, and not a fake smile but I genuine, joyful, happy smile. And even when her mouth isn’t smiling, her eyes are. You can SEE the joy of Jesus Christ coming through her face. People can literally SEE that there is something TRULY different about her. The kicker is, she lives in a house that (once again I am not exaggerating) is 85 square ft. After watching her for the past 2 weeks it has made me think “can people SEE the joy of Jesus Christ coming through my face? When I look at someone am I TRULY happy to see them and see what the Lord might/has been doing for them?”
Ok, so one more story and I am done with this book J
The missionaries I am with (the Huffmans) were back in the States about a month ago, and for several different reasons decided that they could no longer have their “sending church” be their “sending church” anymore. Well this church decided that because they could no longer be the “sending church” they were going to drop the Huffmans completely. Unfortunately, this church made up a very large part of the Huffman’s support, $700 a month to be exact.
Well, the Huffmans came back to Brazil and decided to just pray about it and trust God to raise them the support they need. So they have been praying for a month. Well Sunday night they get a call from a teeny tiny church in Oklahoma (and when I say teeny I mean it! They have like 80 members). David’s parents are out there right now doing a camp for this church and David’s dad had been talking about the Huffman’s with this pastor. The pastor asked how everything was going with David and Kim and David’s dad mentioned in passing about their sending church dropping all their support.
When the pastor heard this he immediately went to his mission’s board and said they had to do something. To make a long story short, the board and church have voted that for the next year they are going to send the Huffmans $750 a month! And at the end of the year they are going to continue sending them $200 a month! If you haven’t done the math yet, that is $50 MORE than what they had been previously receiving. Is God good or what?!
Anyways, that’s just a LITTLE bit of what I have been learning. I hope you are all doing good, I miss ya’ll like crazy! You can pray that I make the last week ok, I am getting a lil homesick for my family, bed, and English J
Love in Christ,
Kristin Hanson
Ps 73:28
(singing) ...Happy Birthday Dear Becca...

Happy 20th Birthday Becca! Thanks for your smile, encouragement and the part you've played in our youth group. Its been so neat to see you grow in the last year and to see how the Lord is using in many different areas! Keep seeking and following Him no matter what the cost. Hope you have a fantastic birthday out there in the boonies. ;)
July 20, 2008
God's strength and my weakness
Hello from Canada! I know it's been a while since most of you heard from me but I blame that on being stranded in the backwoods without technology. Actually we do have technology even up here but spare time is really a rarity up here and I just don't have enough time to be channel 8 and send out news updates very often. Besides, I have much more fun telling you all about it when I get home than ruining it all by trying to explain it over a keyboard or phone. However, I did want to let you all know a little bit of what has been happening up here because God has been doing some amazing things and teaching me a lot in process.
II Cor. 12:9. "And he said unto me, my grace is sufficient: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. . ."
God's strength and my weakness. . . God has been teaching me a lot about that this summer. I realized very shortly after arriving here that if any really good decisions were made by campers this year it would not be because we were the most organized and competent staff but because God answers prayers of people who know they need help. And no, I'm not knocking the staff here at FGBC because I am one of them, but as one of them I realize that there are some problems that are beyond our control and frankly we have quite a few of them here at Forest Glenn this year. However, I think that God puts us in situations we don't really like to teach us lessons we don't really want to learn. One of those lessons for me is that I don't have as much to offer God as I think. I know we always say that we are weak and that God is strong and that without Him we can do nothing, but secretly I like to think that God would have a hard time replacing me. In the three short weeks that I have been up here, God has been showing me what happens when a weak person with a strong ego walks out of his safety bubble. I'm not insinuating that this summer has been miserable or a failure, far from it, God has definitely been doing some incredible things at camp this summer, but He has made very sure that He did it in such a way that I could not possibly steal the credit for it.
I am used to knowing exactly what my job is and being fairly confident that I could do it and do it well. Not so up here. Maybe it is the combination of being in a strange place with strange people (well, maybe not that much stranger than some of you j/k) but there have been multiple times when I realized I didn't really know what I was doing or what I was supposed to be doing and wondered momentarily why I came all the way to Canada to fall flat on my face. Very few times before in my life have I felt so inadequate or seen God do so much. It sounds incredibly cocky now, but I sort of assumed before I came up here that I would be a first-time pro counselor and be able to give all the right questions to all the right answers. Let's just say I'm not a pro and neither are the rest of the staff, but despite that God has done an incredible work, especially during teen camp. Every night it seemed that almost half the kids responded to the invitation. I think there were seven salvation decisions on Monday night alone and several more after that, and on Friday night when they had a open time for testimony from they campers, they had to cut it short because there were so many people who wanted to share what God had done in their life that week. It was really amazing and reminded me a lot of what happened last year at Harvest. Kids were crying and going to their friends to encourage them to make decisions and tellling them about the joy of giving in to God. I talked with several of the other counselors who have been here before and even they said it was really unusual compared to other years of camp.
Well, I really don't have time to tell you much more about it because I really need to get to bed so I'm not dead for the next week of camp, but it really has been an encouragement to see how God's power can overcome our weakness. No, it hasn't always been fun, discovering one's weaknesses rarely is, but it does bring joy and security to know that God can still accomplish his work even if I'm not perfect. For me, this summer has all come down to whether I would rather feel good about myself or experience God's power and see Him work in situations I thought were impossible.
Oh yeah. Pleas pray for a large unspoken request here at camp and also that I would get my voice back. My voice was pretty much gone by the third day of camp (oh the joys of cheering!) and I think I'm coming down with a cold (a little going away present from some of my campers=) so pray that I would make it through the week with good health. See ya later,
II Cor. 12:9. "And he said unto me, my grace is sufficient: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. . ."
God's strength and my weakness. . . God has been teaching me a lot about that this summer. I realized very shortly after arriving here that if any really good decisions were made by campers this year it would not be because we were the most organized and competent staff but because God answers prayers of people who know they need help. And no, I'm not knocking the staff here at FGBC because I am one of them, but as one of them I realize that there are some problems that are beyond our control and frankly we have quite a few of them here at Forest Glenn this year. However, I think that God puts us in situations we don't really like to teach us lessons we don't really want to learn. One of those lessons for me is that I don't have as much to offer God as I think. I know we always say that we are weak and that God is strong and that without Him we can do nothing, but secretly I like to think that God would have a hard time replacing me. In the three short weeks that I have been up here, God has been showing me what happens when a weak person with a strong ego walks out of his safety bubble. I'm not insinuating that this summer has been miserable or a failure, far from it, God has definitely been doing some incredible things at camp this summer, but He has made very sure that He did it in such a way that I could not possibly steal the credit for it.
I am used to knowing exactly what my job is and being fairly confident that I could do it and do it well. Not so up here. Maybe it is the combination of being in a strange place with strange people (well, maybe not that much stranger than some of you j/k) but there have been multiple times when I realized I didn't really know what I was doing or what I was supposed to be doing and wondered momentarily why I came all the way to Canada to fall flat on my face. Very few times before in my life have I felt so inadequate or seen God do so much. It sounds incredibly cocky now, but I sort of assumed before I came up here that I would be a first-time pro counselor and be able to give all the right questions to all the right answers. Let's just say I'm not a pro and neither are the rest of the staff, but despite that God has done an incredible work, especially during teen camp. Every night it seemed that almost half the kids responded to the invitation. I think there were seven salvation decisions on Monday night alone and several more after that, and on Friday night when they had a open time for testimony from they campers, they had to cut it short because there were so many people who wanted to share what God had done in their life that week. It was really amazing and reminded me a lot of what happened last year at Harvest. Kids were crying and going to their friends to encourage them to make decisions and tellling them about the joy of giving in to God. I talked with several of the other counselors who have been here before and even they said it was really unusual compared to other years of camp.
Well, I really don't have time to tell you much more about it because I really need to get to bed so I'm not dead for the next week of camp, but it really has been an encouragement to see how God's power can overcome our weakness. No, it hasn't always been fun, discovering one's weaknesses rarely is, but it does bring joy and security to know that God can still accomplish his work even if I'm not perfect. For me, this summer has all come down to whether I would rather feel good about myself or experience God's power and see Him work in situations I thought were impossible.
Oh yeah. Pleas pray for a large unspoken request here at camp and also that I would get my voice back. My voice was pretty much gone by the third day of camp (oh the joys of cheering!) and I think I'm coming down with a cold (a little going away present from some of my campers=) so pray that I would make it through the week with good health. See ya later,
July 17, 2008
July 15, 2008
Please Pray...
During teen camp the Lord really convicted me about something. Actually he has convicted me about it before but I never actually did anything about the conviction...until camp. In the past I have asked some of you to pray for my cousin Elisa. She is unmarried, has two kids, each with different Dads and pretty much is living a life without thought of eternity. The Lord has convicted me many times about talking to her but I have always put it off. She comes from a Christian home and she knows everything there is to know about Christianity. Therefore I kept telling myself that there was no point in talking to her about God because she already knew it all and had rejected it. (Basically...I was just chickening out) However, the Lord has continually prodded me about writing her a letter to just let her know what He has been doing in my life. At camp a few weeks ago, I finally submitted and promised God that I'd send her a letter, letting her know where I stand and how much God means to me. Now that my life has returned to its normal routine, I had an opportunity, last week, to sit down and write her a letter. To be honest...it was hard to do. She is family and they are the hardest to witness to, because you care what they think about you! After writing it though I knew I had done the right thing. I didn't tell her any new, never before heard truth. I simply shared with her what God did for me last summer, at camp, and what He has been doing since... despite the many, many times I mess up. I shared Prov. 24:16 and reminded her that God is faithful, has an incredible love for us and is constantly trying to draw us back to Him. I don't know if the letter did any good or not. All I know is that I feel much better having finally obeyed Gods directing. But I do want to ask you all to pray for her. Pray that she would just think about some of the things I reminded her of in my letter. Pray that she wouldn't read it and think that I am trying to be preachy or condescending, but rather show her that I care. God wants to restore her relationship with Him and wants to see her grow closer to Him in the same way that He wants us to. Pray also for her kids...Chyna and Caden. God loves them too! Thanks so much guys for your prayers. They DO make a difference!
July 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Eric Kark!

Free Comment Graphics by ShoutPix
Keep searching God out, and let Him be your best friend!
Thanks for your part in the youth group!
July 11, 2008
A Lesson from a STUBBORN Cow
Yesterday I was bringing the cows into a different field and this one cow was being very, very stubborn. So I came up with a scheme! I put his best cow friend in the other field and shut the gate...Sure enough! The stubborn cow came running; moo-ing about how he was so lonely!!! That brought me to the thought of how stubborn we are until we see what God can take away from us! Then we usually obey, because we see the power of God and what he can do to us in an instant when we're stubborn and try things our own way. It's never satisfying when we have to buck God in order to do what we want.
Jowin (Jordan D.)
Jowin (Jordan D.)
"Believers must take time and effort to hike into the forest of Gods Word and to harvest the logs of truth from that massive timberland. They must by reflection split the logs and stack them in the fireplace of their own heart while they pray for illumination from God to set those logs ablaze. The resulting fire will provide the light that directs their paths and the heat that fuels their passion for God. Unfortunately many people only accumulate a few sticks of kindling from their pastors Sunday sermons- not because he doesn't present some great truths from God's Word, but because they reflect little upon those truths, even during the message! Even when God does ignite those splinters of truth, their fire blazes only momentarily because there is so little truth for the Spirit to burn." - (Jim Berg-Change Into His Image, p. 93)
July 9, 2008
What Happened?!?!
Have you ever had a time where everything made perfect sense to you? You knew what you needed to do in your relationship with God and you were determined to do it. You saw your true state and how weak you are. You saw how great and powerful God is and you knew you could not do anything apart from Him. You saw sin for what it really is and you were determined not to have any part in it. Basically everything was as clear as glass and you knew you were going to live your life in a way that pleased God! And then the next thing you knew you were completely confused and nothing made a bit of sense and you had no clue as to how you had fallen so hard! All you knew was that you no longer had a peace in your heart and you no longer had a zeal to do the things for the Lord (that you used to do with such a passion!) Everything seemed muddled and you knew you wanted to do the right thing but at the same time you'd lost sight as to what was important. Have you ever felt that way? I have! In fact, I feel that way a lot. Right after I get things taken care of in my relationship with God, I feel confident and energetic. I can see my purpose, the goal, and the things I need to do in order to stay there. I'm happy and content. And then BAM! Suddenly I'm confused, unhappy and discontent and I am left wondering what happened! This is the story of my life! However, during camp, the speaker at teen camp gave an illustration that hasn't left my mind for more than a day since then and I know the reason why! It perfectly describes what happens so often in my own walk with my Saviour. Here is the illustration...
A middle aged couple could be seen driving down the road one day. The husband sat in the drivers seat and kept his eyes fixed on the road ahead. The wife sat in the front seat, all the way to the right, with her arm leaning on the door and her head resting on the glass. She gazed out the window at the passing scenery. The couple drove this way for a good hour, hardly moving and without saying a word to each other. As they cruised thru town they pulled up to a stop at a red light. In front of them sat a car that was plastered with streamers and balloons. Tin cans were tied to the back of it and on the windows, written in white letters, were the words "Just Married". The wife leaned forward to look at the couple inside of the car and then sat back with a sad sort of smile. She opened her mouth for the first time on that car ride and said "Look at them! All snuggled together on the front seat! They are so in love! Remember when we used to be that way? You'd put your arm across the back of the seat and I'd be content to sit right next to you, with my head on your shoulder, and we'd just talk and talk for the whole extent of the trip; happy to simply have some "alone time" together" she paused, glanced at the gap now between them, on the seat, then said "Remember those times?" The husband nodded "Yes, I remember" He said with a sad smile to match his wifes. Then he pulled the car forward, drove through the intersection, and kept on driving. His wife looked out the window again and then gave a long sigh. She turned to look back at her husband and asked softly "Whatever happened to us talking and sitting in that way?" The husband kept his eyes on the road and as he continued to drive he replied quietly "You know...I never moved."
The application here is obvious. You wonder what happened when you fell so hard? You wonder how you became so confused? The answer is simple- You moved away from your Lord. He never left you. He never pushed you away...YOU did that to Him! He has stayed in the same spot all along, by your side, and you are the one who took your eyes and focus off of Him. Get in the right place, get the right focus and you will not find yourself falling anytime soon! Psalm 16:8 "I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved!"
A middle aged couple could be seen driving down the road one day. The husband sat in the drivers seat and kept his eyes fixed on the road ahead. The wife sat in the front seat, all the way to the right, with her arm leaning on the door and her head resting on the glass. She gazed out the window at the passing scenery. The couple drove this way for a good hour, hardly moving and without saying a word to each other. As they cruised thru town they pulled up to a stop at a red light. In front of them sat a car that was plastered with streamers and balloons. Tin cans were tied to the back of it and on the windows, written in white letters, were the words "Just Married". The wife leaned forward to look at the couple inside of the car and then sat back with a sad sort of smile. She opened her mouth for the first time on that car ride and said "Look at them! All snuggled together on the front seat! They are so in love! Remember when we used to be that way? You'd put your arm across the back of the seat and I'd be content to sit right next to you, with my head on your shoulder, and we'd just talk and talk for the whole extent of the trip; happy to simply have some "alone time" together" she paused, glanced at the gap now between them, on the seat, then said "Remember those times?" The husband nodded "Yes, I remember" He said with a sad smile to match his wifes. Then he pulled the car forward, drove through the intersection, and kept on driving. His wife looked out the window again and then gave a long sigh. She turned to look back at her husband and asked softly "Whatever happened to us talking and sitting in that way?" The husband kept his eyes on the road and as he continued to drive he replied quietly "You know...I never moved."
The application here is obvious. You wonder what happened when you fell so hard? You wonder how you became so confused? The answer is simple- You moved away from your Lord. He never left you. He never pushed you away...YOU did that to Him! He has stayed in the same spot all along, by your side, and you are the one who took your eyes and focus off of Him. Get in the right place, get the right focus and you will not find yourself falling anytime soon! Psalm 16:8 "I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved!"
July 8, 2008
Does God Still Work in Miraculous Ways?
Mon. evening I was at my boss's house listening to him recount an event that took place a little less than a week ago. He was headed home and was pulling a rather large planter with his tractor. As he was coming down the short hill to his house he hit a bump that made the planter bounce. This bounce caused his rear tractor tires to lose traction and he started to fishtail. He jackknifed and flipped his tractor while going about 20 mph. The tractor had a roll cage but he was not wearing a seat belt. He said he remembered looking down while he was sliding and seeing the pavement 4 inches away. He also remembers looking up and seeing the planter coming over the top of the tractor. He was sure he was going to be crushed, but the tractor stopped sliding before the planter rolled over the tractor. He escaped the crash with a brush burn and a very sore side. During the whole thing he never left the tractor. Never slammed into the roll cage. His arms were never twisted by the steering wheel as the tractor rolled. He was able to get out of the wreck by himself. He said he thinks their must have been an angel holding him as the tractor rolled.
I was rather awed after hearing him tell the story. God is still as alive as he was back in the bible times. He still protects us in miraculous ways. I know that God did miracles, but I often don't really think of them as real events. I thought of pastor's message on Sun. God has enabled men to walk through flames, raise men from the dead, and turn huge armies to flight with three hundred men. Do I really believe that he could and would do that today. At camp last week Tim Hawes preached out of Hebrews 11. Noah had never even seen rain and yet he still had the faith to build a boat that took him 100 years to finish. Abraham and Sarah believed that God was able to give them a child even though it was physically impossible. Abraham believed that God was able to raise up Isaac from the dead if he sacrificed him. I was encouraged by remembering that I serve a God that has unlimited power. I was also challenged. Do I really believe that God caused a man to see that was blind from birth, and that he has that same kind of power today. Serving God never gets boring because he constantly sends challenges our way that require us to make a step of faith. As Mr. Fry said,” Isn't it fun serving the Lord. There is nothing that will bring more joy than serving him with everything you have.”
I was rather awed after hearing him tell the story. God is still as alive as he was back in the bible times. He still protects us in miraculous ways. I know that God did miracles, but I often don't really think of them as real events. I thought of pastor's message on Sun. God has enabled men to walk through flames, raise men from the dead, and turn huge armies to flight with three hundred men. Do I really believe that he could and would do that today. At camp last week Tim Hawes preached out of Hebrews 11. Noah had never even seen rain and yet he still had the faith to build a boat that took him 100 years to finish. Abraham and Sarah believed that God was able to give them a child even though it was physically impossible. Abraham believed that God was able to raise up Isaac from the dead if he sacrificed him. I was encouraged by remembering that I serve a God that has unlimited power. I was also challenged. Do I really believe that God caused a man to see that was blind from birth, and that he has that same kind of power today. Serving God never gets boring because he constantly sends challenges our way that require us to make a step of faith. As Mr. Fry said,” Isn't it fun serving the Lord. There is nothing that will bring more joy than serving him with everything you have.”
God Bless America
"It is the duty of nations, as well as of men, to own their dependance upon the overruling power of God and to recognize the sublime truth announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord." - Abraham Lincoln
Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country should leave us no more!
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country should leave us no more!
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
July 7, 2008
All Efforts of Worth and Excellence Are Going to be Difficult
Wow! looking at the blog it would seem like everyone else has just as much of a busy summer as i do! =] I hope you all are staying in God's word, and enjoying Christ's company through the busy times! I can't say my devotional life has been the best... it's been really hard to make the time... notice i didn't say it's hard to find the time, but i've had a hard time making it! And, even when i do, I am really struggling with enjoying them like i have in the past... I'm sure many of you know what i mean. So, you all can pray for me in that area! Anyways, I read something today that i thought was good, so i thought i'd share it... its from My Utmost for His Highest...
“Enter by the narrow gate … . Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life …” (Matthew 7:13–14).
If we are going to live as disciples of Jesus, we have to remember that all efforts of worth and excellence are difficult. The Christian life is gloriously difficult, but its difficulty does not make us faint and cave in—it stirs us up to overcome. Do we appreciate the miraculous salvation of Jesus Christ enough to be our utmost for His highest—our best for His glory?
God saves people by His sovereign grace through the atonement of Jesus, and “it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13). But we have to “work out” that salvation in our everyday, practical living (Philippians 2:12). If we will only start on the basis of His redemption to do what He commands, then we will find that we can do it. If we fail, it is because we have not yet put into practice what God has placed within us. But a crisis will reveal whether or not we have been putting it into practice. If we will obey the Spirit of God and practice in our physical life what God has placed within us by His Spirit, then when a crisis does come we will find that our own nature, as well as the grace of God, will stand by us.
Thank God that He does give us difficult things to do! His salvation is a joyous thing, but it is also something that requires bravery, courage, and holiness. It tests us for all we are worth. Jesus is “bringing many sons to glory” (Hebrews 2:10), and God will not shield us from the requirements of sonship. God’s grace produces men and women with a strong family likeness to Jesus Christ, not pampered, spoiled weaklings. It takes a tremendous amount of discipline to live the worthy and excellent life of a disciple of Jesus in the realities of life. And it is always necessary for us to make an effort to live a life of worth and excellence.
I don't know how many of you have been checking the blog lately, but, for those of you who did... I hope you got something out of that!
~ I will be trying to pray for you all when i get the chance!
“Enter by the narrow gate … . Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life …” (Matthew 7:13–14).
If we are going to live as disciples of Jesus, we have to remember that all efforts of worth and excellence are difficult. The Christian life is gloriously difficult, but its difficulty does not make us faint and cave in—it stirs us up to overcome. Do we appreciate the miraculous salvation of Jesus Christ enough to be our utmost for His highest—our best for His glory?
God saves people by His sovereign grace through the atonement of Jesus, and “it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13). But we have to “work out” that salvation in our everyday, practical living (Philippians 2:12). If we will only start on the basis of His redemption to do what He commands, then we will find that we can do it. If we fail, it is because we have not yet put into practice what God has placed within us. But a crisis will reveal whether or not we have been putting it into practice. If we will obey the Spirit of God and practice in our physical life what God has placed within us by His Spirit, then when a crisis does come we will find that our own nature, as well as the grace of God, will stand by us.
Thank God that He does give us difficult things to do! His salvation is a joyous thing, but it is also something that requires bravery, courage, and holiness. It tests us for all we are worth. Jesus is “bringing many sons to glory” (Hebrews 2:10), and God will not shield us from the requirements of sonship. God’s grace produces men and women with a strong family likeness to Jesus Christ, not pampered, spoiled weaklings. It takes a tremendous amount of discipline to live the worthy and excellent life of a disciple of Jesus in the realities of life. And it is always necessary for us to make an effort to live a life of worth and excellence.
I don't know how many of you have been checking the blog lately, but, for those of you who did... I hope you got something out of that!
~ I will be trying to pray for you all when i get the chance!