July 15, 2008

Please Pray...

During teen camp the Lord really convicted me about something. Actually he has convicted me about it before but I never actually did anything about the conviction...until camp. In the past I have asked some of you to pray for my cousin Elisa. She is unmarried, has two kids, each with different Dads and pretty much is living a life without thought of eternity. The Lord has convicted me many times about talking to her but I have always put it off. She comes from a Christian home and she knows everything there is to know about Christianity. Therefore I kept telling myself that there was no point in talking to her about God because she already knew it all and had rejected it. (Basically...I was just chickening out) However, the Lord has continually prodded me about writing her a letter to just let her know what He has been doing in my life. At camp a few weeks ago, I finally submitted and promised God that I'd send her a letter, letting her know where I stand and how much God means to me. Now that my life has returned to its normal routine, I had an opportunity, last week, to sit down and write her a letter. To be honest...it was hard to do. She is family and they are the hardest to witness to, because you care what they think about you! After writing it though I knew I had done the right thing. I didn't tell her any new, never before heard truth. I simply shared with her what God did for me last summer, at camp, and what He has been doing since... despite the many, many times I mess up. I shared Prov. 24:16 and reminded her that God is faithful, has an incredible love for us and is constantly trying to draw us back to Him. I don't know if the letter did any good or not. All I know is that I feel much better having finally obeyed Gods directing. But I do want to ask you all to pray for her. Pray that she would just think about some of the things I reminded her of in my letter. Pray that she wouldn't read it and think that I am trying to be preachy or condescending, but rather show her that I care. God wants to restore her relationship with Him and wants to see her grow closer to Him in the same way that He wants us to. Pray also for her kids...Chyna and Caden. God loves them too! Thanks so much guys for your prayers. They DO make a difference!


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