April 25, 2008

For me to live is Christ

I know my last post was also about a song but I listen to music while I do school and sometimes I will either hear a song that I haven’t heard in a while or has a powerful message to it. And I found another one; it’s called “For me to live is Christ” this is how it goes:

There often are distractions from devotion to my Lord, I’m tempted with the things of earth and pleasures of this world.  Lord may there be but this one thing in my life I pursue, to know thee more, to love thee more, and be consumed with you!

For me to live is Christ and nothing more, for me to live is Christ whom I adore. Lord help me be consumed with thee, so that for me to live is Christ.

In my life there’ll be trials and testing that he will ordain, but selfishly I ask him for relief from all my pain, may I be so consumed with him that even when I’m tried.  My only prayer when suffering is Christ be magnified!  And when someday God calls me home through deaths dark fearful door, to enter to eternity with Christ forever more, If on this earth my only goal in goodness and in pain, for me to live was Christ alone then death would be my aim!

For me to live is Christ and nothing more, for me to live is Christ whom I adore.  Lord help me be consumed with me, so that for me to live is Christ.  Lord help me be consumed with thee, so that for me to live is Christ

This song convicted me because I haven’t been living for Christ the way I should… ive been using Chrystals verse a lot; “a just man falleth 7 times but rises again”.  So if you could I would appreciate prayer in this area of my life


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