I thought this was a really good verse!

When I was about 5 (I think) my mom gave me this. I used to have a lot of nightmares...when and if i woke up, I would look at this and fall a sleep again thinking about it...no more nightmares! =]
Love you all!
wow! I am impressed anna! The pics are very nice!!!!Not that I doubted that they would be anything other! =) Even John agrees the Bible pic is impressive and that is a high compliment coming from him...lol... i like those verses, especially the one that you have in the bible pic...Our days ARE numbered and I think sometimes I forget that(or at least dont really think about it) and it is obviuos in the way that I can ignore Gods leading in different situations. It would seem that I think I have forever on this earth by some of the choices I make! =( As John has so bluntly pointed out to me just now..."How Selfish!!!" So, yeah...thanks for the reminder...trying to pray for you,
cool pics anna, they are great verses, the glow in the dark is a great reminder that we all should be trusting God and staying close to him. well thanks for posting the really cool pics and keep striving for exellence!
In Christ,
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