October 30, 2007

Kill it before it Kills you!

Today's study in Colossians was very insightful. Rand said "Evil actions are always a result of selfish desires. The act of sin starts out with the sin of discontentment. For whatever reason, we think God is not enough. We believe we need sin to be satisfied. Since it is that first step that kills us, we had better kill it before it kills us. No one has ever become drunk if they refused the first drink. Learning to say "no" to temptation the very first time it lifts its ugly head is essential. If we refuse to feed the sin, within time it will starve and die. Just say "no"! Kill it!"... Powerful stuff!! And very helpful too. The more I thought about what he said there the more I realized how true it is! Whenever I sin its because I am not satisfied with God. I think He can't make me happy and need something else in order to be truly happy. And that always ends up leading to more unhappiness! I am going to really work on killing my discontentment the moment it comes. It will be a whole lot harder to sin if I do!

In Awe of Him,

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