Hey Everyone,
This is Chrystal, typing for Katie Hefflefinger. (My talent as a secretary is getting around! =) She asked me to put up a post for her, since she isn't able to, asking you all to pray. She said tomorrow she is going to write her unsaved grandparents a letter and just write out the plan of salvation for them and let them know how much she cares for them and about where they will spend eternity. She said they have heard the plan of salvation many times but she herself has never told them how much it means to her. So she is asking that you all pray for her as she writes the letter; that God will give the wisdom to know what to say and the courage to state the truth clearly in a loving way. And she also asks that you would pray for her grandparents; that even now God would be working in their hearts and preparing them to receive the letter with an open mind.
Guys, this is our opportunity to help make a possible difference in someones eternity. Please, Please, Please, don't forget to pray!
C.F.D. -aka- the secretary- in behalf of Katherine Elizabeth Hefflefinger....=)
thanks for letting us know....we will be praying...pj
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Katie, giving them the word of God is the best thing you could possibly do for them. It will now be up to them how they receive it. You've done everything you can do. I love you, girl and I'm praying for both you and your grandparents!
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