I was reading Exodus 8 and I was comparing Pharaoh to Peter as I was reading over the sermon notes from pastors sermon on "living past the mountaintop"
Did not want to let go of his sin.
God had to teach him the hard way.
He still would not listen.
Finally the plagues were too much.
He told them they could go, but they could not go far.
The plague is gone, and he hardens his heart again.
After God takes away his son, he submits.
As the Israelites are leaving he chases them again.
His life ends chasing sin.
Peter was a lowly fisherman.
Christ called him, and he followed.
He walked with Christ throughout His earthly ministry.
He denied Christ right after he had just had communion with Him, and told Him he would die for Him!
He got back up, and God used him at Pentecost!
-Peter wasn't perfect, but he refused to allow a defeat to hinder his relationship with Christ. Wow, what a testimony!
-Pharaoh spent his life holding on to his sins, and chasing after them. He made the right decisions a couple of times, but his heart was not in it. After the pressure had let up, he caved again. Wow, that is such a sad story!
-Me, I pray that I will be like Peter!!! Actually I pray I'll be like Christ, but what a great example.
This has been a very early morning thought by:
Striving for Excellence,
John P. Dierking
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