The sunset in its golden splendor, such colors no artist can do! I know when I look on its beauty, each page in the Bible is true.
No picture or painting can capture the beauty of any of these. The handiwork of God is revealed in the flowers, the sunset, the trees."
God has been teaching me a lot recently. He has been teaching me new things through S.S., my personal time with Him, listening to old camp messages, etc. But He also has been reminding of a lot of things I have already learned in the past; to thank Him when my prayers are answered, to hand my willfulness/pride over to Him, to be continually praising Him for my salvation, to notice His power through Creation, and so many more things! It was neat to be reminded of what a strong God we serve during our family time at the ocean last Saturday. It had been a while since my last trip to the ocean and I had forgotten how salty the water is! =) It was a sunny day and also very windy which made for incredible waves! I didn't even need to use the boogie board. I would just position myself under a huge wave and it would crash over me and then I would be tumbling and spinning through the foamy water as it tossed me toward shore. The force of the waves as they crashed on the beach reminded me of how God created the waters and for Him it was no big deal. He simply spoke it into existence! And then as I picked up a variety of sea shells, watched the sea gulls eat bread out of Marks hand and built a huge sand castle with Jesse and Rachel, I noticed the tiny grains of sand and was once more reminded of Gods creativity in creation. God made each of the things I noticed, for us to enjoy and to serve as a reminder of what an awesome God He is! Ok, I could keep going but since I already shared some of this in S.S. I wont keep elaborating...=)
In Awe of Him,
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