I had been reading earlier in the week about the Israelites defeating Jericho, then losing to AI.
It was interesting to see that when the Israelites defeated Jericho, the where depending on God, but when they when up against the little city of AI, they were defeated. Why? because they had not entreated the Lord.
A Lesson Learned
God wants us to go to Him; even if it is something small. He has an answer and a plan for EVERY circumstance! It's easy to go to Him for something big. "God, where should I go to college?" But, often times we think we can handle the little things.
It's the same thing with our sin! "God, I struggle with ____." But, the little sins, the ones we think we have handled are the ones we will be susceptible to if we aren't giving them to God daily.
"All Things Work Together"
It was neat because, in Sunday school yesterday, (yup, I was upstairs!) Mr. Ainsworth taught on the same thing!!!
Thank you God!
A late morning tidbit by,
Striving for Excellence,
John Dierking
P.S. I haven't posted for a while because (this is embarrassing!) I forgot the password!
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