When I struggle, sometimes I find it hard to believe that God is really there. But then, God shows Himself to me in a very real way. The past couple of months I've been struggling spiritually (desire, consistensy, you name it!) But on Monday (after our Sun. powow and talks with Chrystal and my being tired of going on this way), I decided to "get back up again." My whole week has been going so much better! God has shown Himself to me in several ways. First of all, he has answered at least 3 of my prayers...and they were all miracle-prayers! God is actively working in lives! I think God knows that we need HIm to show Himself to us when we're down to see that He is really there and cares. I'm finding the verse, "Draw nigh to God and He will draw night to you" very true in my own life. I've been reading Psalms and I came across a verse: " I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness." Jesus is all we need! I love just going throughout the day and talking to Him, praising Him, and asking for His help. THanks for listening as I just had to share! I'm basically on a spiritual high right now! Keep dwelling on what God has done and how much you don't deserve his love and grace, and you'll be satisfied, content, and happy.
God really does hear and answer prayers...
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