February 11, 2008

Joy Unspeakable

Ok I just want to say that starting this study through Rand Hummel’s book has been really helpful. Rand has such a way of pointing out things that I would never see and putting stuff in ways that make me see the verses differently.

As I was reading the I Peter book a something jumped out at me that I didn’t see when I was memorizing it. In chap 1 verse 8 it says “Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” Well when I was memorizing this verse it did strike me funny that Peter said joy so many times in one verse, yet I didn’t really think anything more about it. But when I was reading the verse again in the I Peter book, Rand pointed it out too. In verse 6 it says “Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations.” Ok so in the course of 2 verse Peter uses the word joy 3 times. So obviously he wants to get the point of being joyful across.

Ok so yeah I am supposed to be joyful, but what exactly does that mean? When I think of being joyful generally I think of being really really happy, like almost jumping up and down happy (e.g. getting done with the ACT lol). But when you are in “manifold temptations” (at least for me) I don’t feel jumping up and down happy. Yet he says we are supposed to rejoice through manifold temptations. So I looked up the definition of joy, it is “a state of happiness or felicity: a source or cause of delight.” The part of this definition that hit me was the “a source or cause of delight.” Ok so I know that Christ is to be my source of happiness and delight, but then again when I am going through hard times I don’t exactly feel the exuberant kind of joy.

But then back in the I Peter book Rand made a very interesting statement, he said that “joy is holy optimism.” Well, at least for me, that put a whole new idea to the word joy. Joy doesn’t necessarily have to be a happiness that makes you want to jump up and down, but it’s knowing that God has complete control of the situation. So while the “manifold temptation” may not be very enjoyable, you can have joy, in the sense that you can have a good attitude about the trial you are going through. So when Peter was talking about joy he was talking about having a good attitude and being “happy” through trials, because He will always be there to help you through the “season”.

Ok so now that I have written another book, I’ll quit babbling lol
I hope ya’ll are learning as much as I am!
Love in Christ,
Kristin Hanson


Rachel Dierking said...

well im def. learning a ton.. not sure if its as much as you but.....
I thought that was good to.. I mean when im "suffering" ( and when have I trully suffered, i mean really...???) I don't think with holy optimism... and I know Def. dont jump up and down with joy ;), and i also struggle with trusing God completly. But whats really annoying is the fact that I know that I'm supposed to trust Him, but i still don't! its ok about the babbling.... there havn't been very many posts lately, so it was very encouraging to read what you have been learning! Love you!

Sigma said...

Yes, I have been noticing too that a lot of the authors repeat themselves over and over in the same book of the Bible. I guess God knows we tend to forget things unless we are reminded of it twenty times in a row and get it drilled into our thick heads! ;) I liked how you pointed out that Christ is the source of our happiness. We actually had a discussion about that in Bible Study and we came to the conclusion that we aren't really going to be finding joy in the actual trial. (I mean, who jumps up and down with joy every time they find out they are going to be having surgery?!? ) Rather we will be finding joy in the fact that we are pleasing others as well as pleasing God and bringing honor to Him by the way we respond to the trial. And that factor is what allows us to take joy in trials. (Plus there's that fact that we know God always strengthens and draws us to Himself during those times as well. ) In all reality trials are actually a blessing! Anyways, I am praying for you and you better be praying for me too because I need all the prayer I can get! ;) Psalms 5:3
