January 9, 2008

Keep Pedaling

I heard a really interesting illustration on the radio the other day and I thought I’d share it! The speaker compared our lives to riding a bicycle. You pedal and you pedal and eventually you start getting tired out and start to think “I wish I could just coast!” However, in reality, the only time you can really coast is when you’re going downhill! Satan uses those times in our lives when we are starting to get so tired of fighting against our flesh and of feeling like we are just struggling with the same things over and over, to get us to start thinking that it would just be better to coast along. And once you start coasting…it’s all downhill from there! I have been on long bike rides before where, near the end, I felt so dead tired that I didn’t think I could lift my leg even one more time to push the pedal, but at the same time, I knew that if I didn’t keep pedaling I would never make it back home. Nor would I have the sense of accomplishment if I only completed 30 out of the 50 planned miles. So, I keep pedaling. In my spiritual life, I need to realize that I won’t be able to accomplish things for God if I just decide to coast along. However, at the same time, I also need to remember that I am not ‘biking’ all alone. I have a constant Companion who is biking right alongside me. He looks at me, smiles encouragingly and says “Keep on pedaling!”


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