January 7, 2008

It's not enough just to do "good"

If you've quizzed before, or if you're going to quiz this year(or when you've taken a big test), you know you don't just want to just do good, you want to win the best place. The same with your walk with God, you shouldn't want to get by with just doing good, you should want to be doing your best for him. So often I think "You know, I'm doing good in my relationship with Him." No it's not best just to do good, but it's best to do you're best.

Mark D.

1 comment:

Sigma said...

Right on, Mark! It's stupid to want to do my best in school and other things and then be content to do "good" on the most important thing.

Usually I struggle with this when I look at the people around me and think that, compared to them, I'm doing good. However, my best has nothing to do with other people's best. Christ is my example, and when I compare my "best" to Him, what I thought was pretty good becomes pretty pathetic. He doesn't want my friends best, He wants my best, whether or not it's better or worse than their's.

Anyway, I liked your post and I'll pray that God shows you how to give your best, because it's not as easy as it sounds. And oh yeah, do your best at quizzing. See if you can beat my brother because I would really like to see that!!
