You know how most of you are reading Romans right now? Well, I didn't really want to do it because I thought it would be over-my-head and confusing. WELL, I received an email from my Chemistry teacher on MOnday, and she informed us that our next Bible reading (we do it for extra credit) would be none other than ROMANS! I just chuckled when I read it (don't u just love that verb...chuckled?). So...I'm now on ch 4 of Romans and I'm gleaning alot from the book. I'm guessing that God REALLY wanted me to read Romans for some reason, so I'm REALLY excited about this book study...because I know that God it is God's will for me. I have this peace now... :) I love all of you!!
biz...what would you all think if I decided that you MUST call me Elizabeth? ;)
awww! I love it when God does that! Its so cool! I learned something recently. So many times I decide in my life that I am not going to do something because I would rather do it another way. But my cousin said something the other day that really made me think. She said, "You know, God doesn't really need your permission or your help to make you do what he wants"....That really hit me...for instance if I wanted to be a painter (which I dont! lol) but God didn't want me to be one, I might say to myself. "Well, I am just going to go ahead, against Gods plan, and be a painter anyways!" All God would have to do is have my hands become crippled through an accident and I wouldn't be able to paint! If God wants me to do or be something... He doesn't need my permission to make it happen. He WILL make it happen! Anyways, that is something I have been thinking about recently...and what you said reminded of it. Thanks for posting...I love you and have been trying to pray for you.
haha..ok, I just noticed that my comment is longer than your post!!!! LOL... oh well, I had a lot to say! ;)
when do u NOT have anything to say? ;) biz
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