December 31, 2007

As if you should do things my way.

Isaiah 55:8
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

I've been seeing this verse everywhere recently. During the past month all the Christmas songs and all Pastor's messages said that God chose a strange way to save the world. . . that they would have done it differently. And then on Sunday I heard it again, in the morning service and especially in the challenge Jonathan Farmer gave from Habbakuk. All through the Bible we have record of God taking people by surprise.

God said to Habbakuk ". . . I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you."

I guess I just needed a reminder that God isn't obligated to do things my way. It's His job to control destiny, not mine, and that's a strange relief. So often I feel like I have to be in control and know exactly what's going on to serve God, but God never said that in His word. It's not my job to know what His plan, as if He should do things my way. Abraham didn't know why God told him to sacrifice Isaac, but he didn't need too. All he needed to do was trust and obey, and that's all I need to do. Whether the future looks bright or bleak, it can't go wrong if God's in control.

Trust and obey. Easy to say, hard to do, and strangely comforting and terrifying all at the same time.



Sigma said...

Ok, I love it when I am learning something on my own and then I go on the blog, go to church or talk with friends and hear others are learning the exact same thing! Its really weird that you posted about trusting and obeying because on Sunday night Becca and I worked in the nusery together and we were discussing that song! (would you stop thinking the same things I am?!?!?! j/k =) If you look at the first part of that song the author says that the way to trust and obey is to walk with the Lord, to spend time with Him in His Word, because he shows us the way in it and then to do His will. And if we do that, He will abide with us! What a promise! However the last verse is my favorite "But we never can prove the delights of His love Until all on the altar we lay; For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows, Are for them who will trust and obey." And thats what its all about. We have to be willing to hand EVERYTHING over to God and then the joy we recieve is indescribable!

Ok, its time for me to go get the ice packs on my jaws ;) ttyl

Rachel Dierking said...

Man I feel so out of the lope down here in south Caroliner =). I can't wait to get back!!! Thanks for the encouragement! Its really nice to have this blog when I'm here because it still allows me to see what you guys are learning!