January 1, 2008

The simpleton and the fool....

Sunday night Renee and Jon's pastor was talking about the simpleton and the fool and the difference between the two. he was saying that a simpleton is a person who is very naive and someone who goes through life just kinda following the crowd not having any concept of the bad choices they are making. A fool is someone who chooses to turn their back on God and Make those bad choices. They know what they are doing, and they will argue to no end that they are not wrong. And he was saying that The simpletons can be reached and should be reached. But with a fool it is pointless to try to talk with them. you will be literally wasting your time. Their are many simpletons out there and it is our job to reach them. And then he was saying look at your own self. so you have the characteristics of a simpleton or a fool? I can't really remember all the verses and stuff he used but most were from proverbs and psalms... anyways, I thought the message was really good.

1 comment:

Sigma said...

I miss you up here and can't wait to talk with you about stuff we've been learning!!! I have been praying for you about getting in a good devotional time while youre with Jon and Renee. I know its hard to do when youre away from home. Love ya!