November 30, 2007

Lessons I have been Learning....

So far I have really enjoyed Romans. I will openly admit it has been difficult at times to figure out what in the world it is saying, but with a dictionary and other resources close by I think I have been able to grasp a lot of new concepts! It has been exciting to see the Lord answer my prayer of helping me to understand His Word. I don't think I have ever looked at a book like this before with so much understanding!

Ok, a couple of things I have picked up...
1. In Romans 1:12 Paul says " That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith of both you and me" Paul was basically saying "I need Christian fellowship! Because you and I have a common bond (Jesus Christ) we are able to comfort and encourage each other!" Sound familiar? I don't about you, but for me that is how I have found you all to be for me. You have been my encouragers and comforters when needed and all because we have a common bond! So thanks. I love you all and don't know where I would be without you!

2. Romans 1 :14-15 "I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also." At first I couldn't figure out what Pauls debt was, but then when I read verse 15 it made sense! Paul was saying he had a debt and that debt was to share the gospel with everyone! He was saying that he owed every unsaved person out there the right to hear the gospel and Paul basically said "I am rearing to go!" wow! Why can't I have that attitude?!?! ;)

3. Ok, this one was really interesting. Romans 2:23-24 Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God? For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written." ok, so what does it mean when it says that the name of God is blasphemed through you? I think it means this....Paul was basically saying "Don't even call yourself a Christian if you aren't going to act like one, because if you do, you are blaspheming the name of God by not giving the gentiles (unsaved people) the correct view of God or of Christianity" I understand what Paul is saying here. I have seen a lot of people out there who call themselves Christians but yet take Gods name in vain, listen to awful music, are rude, don't respect authority, etc. And it is really hard for people who are unsaved to see God for who He is when they have those kind of people, who call themselves Christians, as examples. After I read that I felt the need to check my own life and see if I was setting the right kind of example. I am representing Christ and its actually a very scary thing because I really don't want people to look to me to get their view of God because I know I would fail miserably!

Ok, I could keep going with all the stuff I have been learning, but this has already gotten long, and I will save some of it to share in person with you all on Sunday. God has been teaching me so much through His Word and slowly, ever so slowly, tiny step by tiny step, changing me to be more like His Son.

In Awe of Him,

1 comment:

Rebecca Motley said...

THANK YOU for that. It's been a loonnggg day, and I've been longing to be in God's Word/have christian fellowship. Romans 1:12 PERFECTLY describes how I feel about our church family as well. It was such an encouragement just to get on this blog and read these last few posts! I'm excited to get into Romans! PLEASE pray that I will be able to set a good time (and enough of it!) - whenever it may be each day to really be able to immerse myself into this book! I am/will be trying to remember to pray diligently for you and all of us who are trying to have a good devtional time everyday. Thanks again, I just wanted to let you know how encouraging your entry was. Thanks for taking the time to post it!