Today as I was doing something, a completely random thought struck me! I am so much like Bilbo Baggins it isn't even funny! For those of you who have watched it, you know the part where Bilbo is getting ready to leave the Shire and he has the ring in his pocket. He is rushing around and he keeps telling Gandalf that he is going to leave the ring behind, because he knows its for the best. He keeps saying " I am going to leave the ring. I am going to leave the ring." Gandalf just nods and watches as Bilbo continues to gather up his belongings and then heads out the door with the ring in his pocket. Then Gandalf smiles and says quietly "Bilbo. The ring is still in your pocket." Bilbo stops and looks up at Gandalf before he reaches into his pocket and slowly pulls the ring out of his pocket. He stares at it for a while, trying to decide if he truly is going to leave it and then he slowly turns his hand and lets the ring fall to the floor. I do the same thing, in a sense, in my spiritual life. God will convict me of something in my life that I need change or let go of, because its for the best and I will say "Ok, Lord, I will. I will change that or I will write that apology note." and then I continue to go about my day and dont do a thing about it! Or I will write my apology note, but then don't give it to the person I wronged and the Lord just looks down at me and reminds me gently "Chrystal. The letter is still in your pocket" and then I have to resubmit myself to Gods will and decide all over again whether I am going to do the right thing or not. The Ring is like the sin in my life. The longer it is in my possession, the more I want it and the more it controls me and the harder it is to get rid of it.
In Awe of HIM,
1 comment:
Ouch. That is sadly an accurate comparison with myself as well. I can't tell you how many times I've laid in bed at night and 'given' things over to God, only to take them back sometimes even the next day. When that happens, I can only assume that I never fully gave it over to God in the first place! It's scary to think how I can take such a serious thing so lightly. Thanks for the reminder to fully submit things to God - and do it right away - without ever 'taking' them back again!!
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