Our counselor challenged us to spend 70% of our day focusing on Christ and 30% on other stuff for enjoyment. I have found, with my stupid, annoying self getting in the way, its hard to do!!! But one way of trying to accomplish that, is when I feel like listening to something more contemporary, like Disney =) or something that isn't wrong, but also isn't really going to help me grow, I'll try to stick in something from the Wilds, the BJU press, or some other good Christian musician. Sometimes it isn't always what I really "feel" like listening to but usually those are the times God really uses the music to speak to me and draw me closer to Himself and then I find myself really enjoying the music. This is one of those songs I have enjoyed listening to and it always reminds me to stick with it and not give up on the things I have been learning.
In Awe of Him,
Good stuff! Thanks for making that. =) The 70%/30% like you said is DIFFICULT to say the least. But it is so worth it! One of the frustrating things I've learned is that it only takes ONE seemingly small and unsignificant thing (like hearing a song at a store etc.) to get into your head and you end up thinking about that for the rest of the day. But it's been neat to see how God helps me out with even small things like that. When I ask Him to help me get stuff like that off of my mind and I sing/listen to a good song, or read a few verses from the Bible and He truely helps me get my mind back to focusing on the Lord. God is SO good! :)
All I have t say in response to your comment is..AMEN!!!!!!!
Thanks Chrystal! A wonderful reminder...oh how I miss camp!! What an incredible week! I wish we could do that van ride again!
Youre welcome! If anything I am the one who had the most fun putting the video thing all together. It was neat to go back through my notes and find quotes from different messages. It reminded me of the things I had learned or decisions I had made and I evaluated how I was doing in them. Not so good in some and the Lord has really helped me in others...keep praying for me!
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