August 15, 2007

Thankyou God

I have a praise. I have finished making things right with my parents. YAY. It was hard and I think I kinda shocked them with how bad I really was. :0( I have some consequences to pay but I know that it will be worth it knowing that there is NOTHING between us. Praise God. I am so excited. I will see (hopefully) you all tonight.

PS. for some odd reason they will not let me use exclamation marks... (weird)

Striving for Excellence
John Dierking


John Dierking said...

hey brother,
Whats with "they wont let me use exclamation points" ? You make it sound like our parents wont let us use exclamation
Your Darling Sister,

Tara Mayhugh said...

I know exactly how it feels to have everything right with your's amazing!!! (exclamation points just for you) I'll be praying for you!......we update this so many times in one day......

Sigma said...

God will always help us get things right. : ) Good job John!!!!! I'm praying for ya man. : )