August 14, 2007

Stay Focused

I have so much to say I think I would need like three blogs. I am learning so much in my devotions. I feel like a new person. I love to get in HIS word, and see where I can change in my life. What an AWESOME God we serve!! I'm praying for you all. We all made wonderful decisions, but we have to put those decisions into practice. God will help us all the way. Remember, even though we fall, God will help us get back on track. I was listening to the Steve Petit, "Higher Ground." I love the song, "Be Thou My VISION." What wonderful words that song is filled with. The last verse says, "High King of Heaven, my victory won. May I reach Heaven's joys ohh bright Heaven's sun. Heart of my own heart, whatever befall. Still be my VISION, ohhh ruler of all." Remember to keep God as our VISION. I love you guys!!!

Because of Christ!!!
Your Friend, Chris


Tara Mayhugh said...

Great Post!! So encouraging, I am struggling just to stay focused on Christ in my own home. I am deffinitely praying for you guys to stay strong in Christ and I would really appreciate your prayers. But you're right, having daily devotions is so exciting now! I can't wait to see what God has in store for me. I am currently reading throug Psalms and enjoying every chapter. I would love to know what everyone else is doing in their devotions. I love this family we have now....because of our bond in Christ!!

Sigma said...

Yeah Chris, thank you for that post! I love how this blog is sooo encouraging and helpful to me! biz