May 29, 2009

Why do we always seem to skip over our time with God?

I find it amazing how, when we look at our schedules and we find it busy, or we find that we have an appointment early in the morning, or when get to bed late and just want to sleep in, the first thing we take off our list is usually our devotion time (maybe you don't have to have a list that says "devo's" on it but you just skip them anyways). I fall into this pit so many times with out even realizing I'm there. It's like mom tells me, "You have a dentist appointment at 8:30 tomorrow morning," and I think, "Well, I'll have to get dressed, make my bed, take out the trash, eat breakfast... looks like I aint havin devotions tommorrow," or, like a lot of times, it happens this way, "O man, it's late already tonight, I'm tired, and I just wanna sleep in. I guess I'll just sleep through my normal devotion time," and I'm ok with that. I don't even think of it as being sin. One thing that I could also go awhile about on this post about is that this sin of course could also be categorized with the whole "setting your priorities straight," but thats a whole nother sermon. So just pray for me that I'll stop skipping over my devotions all the time, and since I know that it's a big trap for all of us in the youth group, just pray that all of us would find the time to be with our Best Friend (kind of ironic + sad that we don't want to spend time with our self-proclaimed "best friend"), and that we would not skip the awesome profitable time that we need to spend with Him every day.

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