January 21, 2009

far far away....

Hey, i was looking at all the posts you guys have put on the blog and there are ALOT of them, and then i started looking for the last thing i posted, so i found one and i posted it like....a year ago.it's just been so tough, trying to get up and have my time with God, and i feel so far away from Him.i think quizzing will help me get back on track with God and if you guys could just pray for me, and pray that i would have my time EVERY DAY with God.

YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST YOUTH GROUP EVER!!!!!!! and our youth leaders aren't that bad either haha just kidding youth leaders! =)

Zach R.


Tiff said...

thanks Zach!;)

Jordan Dierking said...

Im glad to see that your willing to admit things, to grow strong, and get the prayers of others, i know it something we all need to work on, and i'm way up on that list, im praying for you!