Col. 3:1-3“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. ”
Sometimes I imagine it is a sacrifice for Christians to set their affections on things above and give up things on this earth, but recently I have been wondering where could possibly be a better or safer place for them. Try as I might I can't come up with anything besides God that can't be taken away from a person. Money, health, even something as good and worthwhile as a husband, wife, child, or friend can -- and often are -- taken away quickly and with no explanation. Just look at Job. I've seen it happen -- in some very small ways experienced it myself -- and while it is sad, it implants more firmly in my head that there is no safer place for a life to be hid or affections set than in a unchanging everlasting God. People need a cause to live for, even die for, we are unfullfilled without one, and when God sent Christ to earth as a baby, He gave us just that . . . a reason to live that can never be taken away because "our life is hid with Christ in God." Thank God for that because I see nothing so great about eternal life if life is not attached to something or someone worth living for.
“He is no fool who gives what he can not keep to gain what he cannot lose.” ~ Jim Elliot
To Whoever Posted This, =)
Rachel and I were commenting recently on how unsaved people must feel so worthless. They go to work, come home for a few hours in the evening, hang out with friends, look forward to parties, work hard to achieve success and so on, but... for what? They know that in the end they will have to leave everything behind. What are they living their lives for? To go through days upon days, knowing that the things you looked forward to will pass and the things you held dear could be taken away must fill them with such a sense of hopelessness!
Anyways...Thanks for posting. Simple Reminders are often all we need to keep our focus where it needs to be. Christ is enough. Our eternity lies with Him. Amen!
this is true, Chrs.. working w/ unsaved people, from observance- I don't really think they know what they're living for or living without- they're blind to their own misery. I think that's where God comes in, through us :)
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