(No, the title of this post has nothing to do with the picture below here ;)
I have been doing a study in Hosea recently and have been thoroughly enjoying it! Its taking me a while to get through each chapter because they are so packed full and each verse and chapter connects with each other in some way and sometimes it takes me a while to figure out all the connecting dots. ;) Anyways, I've been having fun studying the book of Hosea and if you're looking for a new book to read, I'd highly recommend it! (And yes, I know, I know...this post turned out rather long, but hey, its what God has been teaching me and what can I say? I have a lot to learn!)
Hosea 7:8- "Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned."
I came across this verse the other day and was wondering what it meant. "Ephraim is a cake not turned." What?!? With my curiosity aroused, I went to my Matthew Henry Commentary book and looked it up. What I found was very interesting. Basically, this is what it said... "Ephraim is constantly having ups and downs between wanting God and seeking the world. Because of this he is like a cake not turned. Burnt on one side and dough on the other, but good for nothing on either side."
Hosea 10:2- "Their heart is divided; now shall they be found faulty (guilty)"
"Only two choices on the shelf, pleasing God or pleasing self." Jim Berg)
God isn't satisfied with sharing the first place in our hearts. He wants to be first ALONE. If we aren't serving God with our whole heart, we are going to be of no use to Him. Ephraim and Israel are constantly being shown how quickly they turn their back on God and turn to other things. Hosea 8:13-14a "They sacrifice flesh for the sacrifices of mine offerings, and eat it; but the LORD accepteth them not; now will he remember their iniquity, and visit their sins: they shall return to Egypt. For Israel hath forgotten his Maker" How can the Lord accept a sacrifice of flesh from them when what He truly wants is the sacrifice of a penitent, believing heart?
Hosea 9:10b "Their abominations were according as they loved" This was Israels crime. They had left their FIRST love.
In the previous part of the chapter it says “Israel shall cry unto Me, My God, we know Thee!” (Hosea 8:2) When the judgment of God comes upon Israel they shall cry out, in their hypocrisy, that they know God. Matthew Henry responded to this verse well by saying “What good is it to a man to say ‘My God, I know Thee!’ when he cannot say ‘My God, I love Thee!’” OUCH!
Skipping ahead to the later chapters we come across some of the neatest verses. 11:7- "And my people are bent to backsliding from me: though they called them to the most High, none at all would exalt him." God knows that we are "prone to wander" and yet He goes on to say "How shall I give thee up, Ephraim? how shall I deliver thee (to judgement), Israel? how shall I make thee as Admah? how shall I set thee as Zeboim? mine heart is turned within me, my repentings are kindled together." Basically God is saying "How can I let you go? I love you!" - (Oh Wondrous Love that will not let me go. I cling to You, with all my strength and soul! Yet if my hold should ever fail, YOUR wondrous love will never let me go! Oh Wondrous love thats come to dwell in me! Lord, who am I, that I should come to know Your tender voice, assuring me Your wondrous love will never let me go?) God makes a promise to Israel and says "I will not execute the fierceness of mine anger, I will not return to destroy Ephraim: for I am God, and not man; the Holy One in the midst of thee:" God isn't saying that we will never pay the consequences of our sin; but rather that He will not utterly destroy us like we deserve! And His grace and mercy will always be there for us when we need it. Hosea 14:4- "I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely; for mine anger is turned away from them." (I'm resting in the everlasting arms, In the ever-faithful heart, the Sheperd of my life! You carry me, on Your mighty wings of Grace, keeping me until the day I look into Your eyes!)
I will end this by giving you the promise of Hosea 13:9-19, 14 "O Israel," (I can just picture how God is sadly shaking His head at them)"O Israel! Thou hast destroyed thyself!....BUT... in me is thine help! I will be Thy King! I will ransom them from from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death" and because of this our response should be "Come, let us return unto the Lord; for He hath torn and He will heal us. He hath smitten and He will bind us up" (Hosea 6:1)
(Oh Wondrous love that sings of Calvary. The sweetest sound this sinner has ever known; The song of Your redeeming Son, Whose Wondrous love will never let me go!)
In Awe of Him,
Wow... that's really convicting/comforting. it's hard to imagine a perfect God loving or even putting up with me or anyone for that matter. i know i am so thankful for what he has done for me. i think i will study hosea for myself...
thanks for sharing, Chrystal :) The cake allegory is so cool- Never heard that before..
funny who its coming from!! since you burn our toast more often than not
yes i know that i need to be more constant for God and put flesh behind
ERIK: Amen and AMEN! (and yes....you really should read/study it for yourself!)
PAULA: What a nice surprise! You got on! :) And youre welcome! I had never heard it before either, but the message of it was rather convicting!
JORDAN: Stop sharing all the family secrets! =)
actually i'm in the process of studying it... i'm in chapter 6. MAN, is it convicting!!! the way he talks about forsaking God as the same thing as adultery! and how judgement WILL fall on those who forsake him!
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