May 22, 2008

Enoch and his testimony

i know this is kinda a bit late from sunday... but the message that pastor gave sunday night really convicted me.

it was from Hebrews 11:5 "By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death, and was not found because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony: that he pleased God"

I got to thinking and the thought struck me, if God still took people to heaven would he see me as holy and righteous as Enoch, take me and give me the testimony that i pleased Him? and i would have to say that i DO NOT think that God would take me home before i died because my walk with the Lord isn't where it should be... so i would greatly appreciate prayer in this area because i can't do it on my own.


1 comment:

Sigma said...

I don't think you were the only one who found that message convicting! There were many challenging things in there, specifically about having a consistent and accurate walk. I liked how he pointed out that walking with someone give a sense of agreement on both parties. A sense of agreement on the destination, the path and the pace. I think that is what the problem is the majority of the time. We don't like the destination God has pointed us in, we don't like the path, because its often hard, and we don't like the pace because it moves much too quickly for our liking. So, we just try to go off by ourselves and do out own thing and yet everytime we get lost and confused. You'd think we'd learn our lesson after a while! I also liked how he said that Enoch's goal was not necessarily to be effective but rather to be faithful. He didn't really care what his efforts did for him or even for others, just so long as he pleased God! Wow! A lot of times it gets frustrating when we seem to be working so hard and we do not see any fruit. I guess that is when God is trying to teach us to simply trust and wait on Him. Faith (or at in the right Person)is an amazing thing...the faith of a mustard seed is enough to move mountains...."the faith by which they conquered death is still our shining is the victory that overcomes the world!"
