April 30, 2008

Prayer Request

Hey ya'll,
Tonight i am leaving with my mom for New York City, because tomorrow I will be applying for my Brazilian visa and hopefully picking it up Friday. Please please please please pray that I will get it! Right now the Brazilian government is being a pill (what else is new?! lol) about giving out visas and if I dont get it Friday, I really dont know when I could get up to New York again.
Also, please pray that my mom and I will be safe in New York. We have both been there before but we had guys with us then. So just pray that we will stay safe and alert to our surroundings.
Anyways, I'll miss seeing ya'll tonight! Have fun with the Sigmies!
Love in Christ,
Ps 73:28

P.S. Since i posted the above this morning we found out new information.
My mom and I checked the Brazilian Embassy's website a couple days ago but this morning before we left figured we should check it again. And guess what?! yep they changed it! Now I have to go to DC and it takes 4 days to process the visa application. So we are now planning on leaving tomorrow morning, coming home tomorrow night, and going back to DC sometime next week to pick up my visa. So yeah.. i should see you all at church now! haha gotta love government! jk lol

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