January 13, 2008

The Lion hath roared, who will not fear?

I’m working through Micah chapter 4 right now and it is really encouraging because it talks a lot about the faithfulness of God in the promises He makes. Micah prophecies and reassures the Israelites that God has not forgotten them and that the day is coming when they will be restored to Him. There were several things in this passage that were really neat. So, to start off with…in Micah 4:2 there is a part that says “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, the God of Jacob.” I found it really interesting that the people said “the Lord, the God of Jacob” They didn’t just say “the Lord” but they added on the part “the God of Jacob” Yes, ok, so I know that Jacob is considered the father of the twelve tribes of Israel, but still…wow! Long after Jacob is already gone, people are still thinking of God as Jacobs God! My testimony definitely has not reached that level! There are many people I know who probably don’t even know that that I believe in God; much less that He is MY God. He is a God of love, salvation, joy, truth, peace, power and might! And that brings me to the next thing I found in this chapter. Verse 3a says “And He shall judge among many people, and rebuke (force back, to hold in check) strong nations afar off” God holds the “mighty” in His control and He doesn’t even need to be there to defeat them! It simply happens because God said it would happen! Micah 4:4b- “For the mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it!” God doesn’t need our help in taking care of others or even helping make things happen. He has the power to do what He wants to do! This reminded me of a verse I found in Amos that the other day that I think is just really cool...Amos 3:8- “The lion hath roared, who will not fear? The Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesy?!?” If I was in a jungle and a lion suddenly appeared and roared as loud as it could, I would have no problem trying to make myself afraid! ;) My natural instinct would take over and I really wouldn’t be able to help my fear. In the same way, when God speaks/command something, we have no choice in the matter. What He wants to happen WILL happen! There are some people who think that they can do what they want and that they can blaspheme God and mock His people, but God will have the final say. In Micah 4:11-12 it says “Now also many nations are gathered against thee, that say, Let her be defiled, and let our eye look to Zion. But they know not the thoughts of the Lord, neither understand they His counsel. For He shall gather them as sheaves into the floor” I have noticed in the chapters of Micah that I have read so far that the main theme is that God will judge and He will have the final victory. It’s not always that easy to remember that in everything that is happening around us, from the little to the large, God is working all things out for His honor, glory and the final Victory! But then… we are humans… and as Micah said “We do not know the thoughts of the Lord!” Our job here on earth is to do what it says in the last part of Micah 4:13 “And I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth!” We are not here to try and figure out what Gods plan is and what the purpose for it is. We are simply to accept His plan as best and give Him all the glory for the things He has chosen to allow us to go through. Anyways, its late and I need to get to bed, but I wanted to share with you all what God has been teaching me through my study in Micah. I have a lot to learn! In fact, it sort of overwhelmed me today when I started to think of all the books in the Bible I still have to study through, knowing that I could again go through all the ones that I just went through and learn just as much! But God doesn’t rush me and He is working to conform me into the image of His Son despite the many times that I get in the way!


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