January 18, 2008

Continue, to Continue

This happens every time I get on the blog. I finish reading every one's, and then I run out of time to write. : ) Keep writing, keep learning, keep striving, I love to read how the Lord is working in our hearts daily. I wanted to write, and somewhat challenge you,is about our failures. The most valuable lessons I learn, are in my failures. If we never failed, we would never have to learn. I fail everyday, and we all fail, but we learn in the process. When I fall, and when you fall, don't stay down. Satan, the roaring lion, would love to keep us down. But are you going to let Satan have the victory? It is an easy answer, but it is hard to live. I'm totally writing this to myself, cause I fall, and most times I feel like I can never get the victory. The only way to victory, is through Jesus Christ. When I think I can't go on, the Lord will not let any trial in my life, and in your lives that is too hard for us to continue. So CONTINUE TO CONTINUE. I covet your prayers highly. We're a team, helping one another, praying for one another, and God is doing a mighty work. We can have victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ!!

In Prayer of You Continually,
Your Friend,

1 comment:

Sigma said...

Thanks Chris! It's a good reminder for me. I usually look at failure as something to avoid at all costs, even if it means not attempting something where I have a chance of failure. But your right, it's not always bad to struggle with something and maybe even come to the point where I realize I can't do it on my own. For me, the fear of failure is more destructive than the failure itself. At least when I fail I learn something. In the words of the great poet (who I can't remember right now even though I should) "It is better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all." I know, that's not exactly what 'What's His Name' said, but that's what your post made me think of, and it helped.
Thanks for your post and positive attitude, and I will continue to pray for you and the others at Harvest who are fighting the same battles we are.
