December 20, 2007

Diggings from Romans ;)

ok, I just found some really good verses that helped me today. Romans 10: 2 "For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge." Here Paul is talking about the Israelites and he says "They have a zeal (eager interest and enthusiasm) for God, but they do not actually KNOW God!" Of course Paul was talking about their blindness to salvation, but I found that what he was saying here applied to my own life as well. I often have a "zeal" for God (I will spend time in His Word, talk to others about Him, do and say all the right things) but I am not actually getting to know HIM!!!! Paul says in the next verse "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God." Basically he is saying that the Israelites did not fully understand Gods righteousness. They did not understand their lowliness and God magnificence. They tried to get in favor with Him by doing all the right things, but yet they never submitted themselves to God. Unfortunately that sounds so familiar to me! So many times I try to go about my day, thinking that if I would just do all the right things I will have a good relationship with God. Instead I should be going about my day, realizing that I can't do anything to make my relationship with God be as it should be. It is all Jesus Christ working through me. If I want to have a good relationship with God, I need to start by recognizing Gods greatness and righteousness and my lowliness and unrighteousness. And then doing the right things will flow from a heart that is in constant communion with His!
Ok, that is a little bit of what I learned today,
In Awe of Him,

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