December 4, 2007

Keep Praying!

Ok, you all know what is going on with Chris right now. I just want to encourage/remind everyone to continue to pray for him and their whole family. God is working out His plan right now and though we may not be able to understand or realize it all now, He is working everything out for the best. Just pray that the whole Read family will continue to rely on God for the strength that they need to get through this situation. And also that through it God will recieve the glory! Keep praying! It trully does make a difference!

In my life there'll be trials and testings that He will ordain
But selfishly I ask Him for relief from all my pain
May I be so consumed with Him, that even when I'm tried
My only prayer and suffering is 'Christ be magnified!!!!!'

1 comment:

Rachel Dierking said...

Ive been praying and will continue to do so!