November 5, 2007

"We will remember the name of the LORD"

I have been lerning alot lately about trusting God. Thankyou to everyone that has encouraged (sometimes not knowingly) to place my faith in Christ and to stop trying to fight sin on my own!

I have been reading Psalms for my DEVO's.

Earlier this week I read Psalms 26 in verse one David sounds so sure that he wont fall. He basically says for God to judge or search him because he knows he wont find any wickedness in him. It sounds so bold yet he can say this because, as he continues on, "because I trusted in the Lord, I SHALL NOT SLIDE!" wow!

This morning I was reading chapter 30. It was interesting to see, at the start of the chapter, the psalmest was talking about how the Lord delivered him, and he was singing praises. Then in verse 6 and 7 he says that he is strong and he shall never be moved. Instantly the chapter moves to him having fallen and him crying out to God for help.
Then in verse 10 David cries out to God for help. "hear, oh Lord, and have mercy upon me: Lord be thou my helper."
Vs:11 Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth and girded me with gladness.

I love the way he transitions from his pride to his misery to his pleading and then to his joy so abruptly. Look at the goodness of God.
It reminded me of the apostle Peter walking on the water; looking down, and sinking. Then the Lord reaches out and grabs his hand. And pulls him out of the waves. I would love to have been there to visually see that... I can personally testify to this grace of God. When I am gazing at Christ, I cannot slide. But when I take my gaze off Christ to glance at the problem or the sin I sink. And the Lord in his goodness has to reach out his hand and pull me up again.

I would encourage all of you to look up the verses I listed above.

Striving for Excellence,
John P. Dierking

Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me!

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