November 6, 2007

Do we have what Esther had?

This morning, I was doing my school work upstairs, and Robbie was reading about Esther. Haman wanted to kill all the Jews in the city. Esther had complete faith in God to talk to the King on the behalf of all the Jews of the city. OK, walking up to the king, without being asked, she could have lost her head, even though she was the king's wife. I was just listening, and just thinking, if all the people in Lancaster relied on me, would I have the faith, and courage that Esther had? We live in a wonderful country, and I'm so thankful to live in the land of the free. But we may not have this freedom forever. Like what we heard Sunday night. People all around the world are being persecuted for Christ. We don't have persecution in our nation, but what if we did? What if we would be arrested, just for having a Bible? Would we be soldiers of the cross? Would we have the faith that Esther had? I pray that we will never lose our freedom. But if it were to ever happen, would we continue for Christ? It takes a lot of courage to talk to someone about Christ, or to give out a tract. I haven't always been ready to give out the gospel, but God was there for Esther, and He is there for us. He'll give us the courage. Always be ready to give out the gospel. Stay focused on Christ, and keep striving for excellence.

In Prayer of You All,

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