In my devotions this morning i was reading Genesis and something jumped out at me. I dont know if you all remember the story of when Abraham and Sarah went down into Egypt. But to summarize - Abraham told Sarah to say she was his sister b/c he was afraid the people would kill him b/c she was a beautiful woman. Now fastfoward to Isaac. In chapter 26 Isaac leaves his home and goes to the Philistines b/c of famine. And guess what, he did the exact same thing as his father. He told the people that Rebekah was his sister b/c he (like his father) didnt trust God to protect him. Isaac followed in his father's footsteps. So the thought that hit me was that people follow others examples. So like my siblings will follow the example i set. And anyone else watching you can be influenced by your example whether good or bad. I see this every day, b/c Jenna loves to try to mimic everything i do. And sometimes its scary b/c she'll mimic something i dont want her to. So we/I need to be careful of the example we set, b/c someone is always watching.
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