August 22, 2007

Questions and Thoughts

ok...I have a few questions from what I have been reading in Proverbs. In Ch. 22:6 it says "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it" I don't fully understand what this means because I know of a lot of parents who have trained a child the way they should : taught them what was right, shared Gods Word daily with them, prayed for them, disciplined them etc. but yet the child still chooses his own way when he gets older. So what is this verse saying? Ok, next question. in 22:28 it says "Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set" What does that mean? Why did David say that?... Biz? Anyone? Alright, those were my questions (and please let me know what you think!) but here is a verse that I found recently that goes along with what Rand was talking about at camp about not putting price tags on people. Proverbs 22:2 "The poor and rich meet together: The Lord is the maker of them all" God made each one of us for a purpose and He died for ALL the world. Why do we so often think of ourselves as better than others? I know that that is something I can struggle with at times. The Lord has really shown me that it is really a SIN to be thinking that way. Ok, those are my questions and thoughts for the day.

In Awe of Him,


Sigma said...

Chrystal, Yeah talk about confusing! Proverbs 22:28 is talking about if you remove someone's land boundary's it is the same as stealing! Read vs. 27 which goes with it and Deut. 19:14.
The verse about training a child is hard! I gues that is just the result of sin if they don't follow their footsteps. It says here in my Bible that the insruction must take into account his individuality and inclinations and be in keeping with his degree of physical and mental develoment. You won't train each child you have in the same exact way. Yeah we need Pastor W. on that one!


Tiff said...

In college one of my professors said about the train up a child verse that you should encourage your child in his strengths. Like if you want them to be a doctor, but they desire to be a pastor and have strengths in that area then encourage them to be a pastor not a doctor.
I've also heard about rearing them according to God's will and if they stray they will eventually come back.
I'm not a theologian, but that's what I've heard. That is a confusing verse, but it just makes me want to raise Mj according to God's will and pray for him every second of the day!!! It's a scary world out there!!!!=0

Sigma said...

Good questions Chrystal : ) The first question you asked about training a child, the way that child should go. How I would teach my child, if I was a parent, would have a major impact on how my child would live their life. It has a lot to do with our own walk with the Lord. Like what Rand Hummel's illustration about his daughter. She saw him get up in the morning, to read God's word, every morning. She saw him doing that so she wanted to be in the word as well. Parents testimony is very important how a childs lives their life. Now, I'm no parent, but I can say that about my own parents. I would wake up and the first thing my parents do is get in the word. Watching my parents want to get in the word, makes me want to read the God's word more. That's what I think the verse is saying. I'm not absolutely sure that's what it's saying, but that's my thought on that. We all should be so thankful for wonderful parents the Lord has blessed us with. God has blessed us all richly with great parents. Good question Chrystal : ) I have to go. I hope I was some help to you. Have a great day.

Because of Christ!!


John Dierking said...

ok...yes, it makes a little more sense now...From what ya'll are sharing I think it means that parents are simply supposed to encourage their children to do the right thing and to show them through their examples how to have a relationship with God and then their children will have a desire to do the right thing. And if they dont, they at least will have seen the happiness and joy that their parents have in Christ and will know what they are missing even if they deliberatly choose the wrong path...And maybe, like you were saying, tiff, no matter what path they choose, the truths that they were taught by their parents when they were young will always stick in their minds....Anyways,it still is a little confusing but is! lol...Thanks for commenting and helping me out...

phreddkark said...

Yeah, the age-old question on what that verse is actually meaning. So many parents just do all they can to raise their kids right, but they stray. Michael Pearl(one of my personal heroes)has written a book on this verse, called Jumping Ship. Very, very enlightening. When the verse was written, it was under the assumption that children would follow after their parent's example one way or another, because most of the time, it was attractive to them whether it was right or wrong, because there was either happiness or joy in the parent's lifestyle. Today, it is different. I see a lot of miserable pouty Christian parents, who are not showing their kids the joy and satisfaction in doing things the right way. I look at my parents, and say,"Wow, if their faith is what drives them to do what they do, then that is definetely what I want!" But for somebody who doesn't have the joy, and is constantly looking for something else, their kid is going to say that their parents didn't find joy in their Christian faith, so neither am I. See? This is almost more important than getting into specifics of what makes you a good Christian. I could talk and talk and talk and talk and talk about this. There's so much more to it than what most people realize.