August 16, 2007

My thoughts as of late in condensed form...

I started reading from Proverbs this morning (I read chapter 16, just in case you were wondering! ;)) And I tell you, I felt like circling/underlining the entire chapter! Haha, I might as well just circle my entire Bible, because God's Word is just that amazing! Anyway, the first verse was an encouragment to me on the subject of speaking in public (testimony time!) and witnessing:
"The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD."
And I also wanted to know what you all thought about verse 33:
"The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD."
What did you all get from this verse?
Oh my goodness, I have so much to comment about! I really need more time! Haha. But just to skim over the youth rally last night, It was really something we all needed to hear. Satan is so cunning. He uses things that make us think that we're making decisions on our own, but we are really just following Satan's will! isolation, indulgement, and identification are three of the major ways he tries to deceive us. We can only resist these temptations by staying focused on God and being in His Word! It's amazing how even in the chapter from Proverbs I read this morning had several verses that encouraged me concerning what we heard last night!
verse 3 -Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.
verse 9 -A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps
Alright, I'm going to stop here, because this is just getting ridiculous (time and length!) but I just want to say a big AMEN! to everything else that has been posted on this blog!!Gooooddddnight! :)


Sigma said...

AMEN!!! I know the feeling!!! I am doing the Proverbs and reading a Psalm a day... I cannot soak it all in...

Sigma said...

grrr that was me above...

Sigma said...

I memorized the verse 3 in that chapter too..I really liked how it said if you commit your works/everything you do, unto the Lord then your thought life will be established too...At least, I think that is what it I memorized verse helps me remember that if we are wise we will recieve correction gladly...which I have to admit I have a problem with...alrighty...I have stuff to do, but good post....see ya tomorrow!