Good morning,
Still rejoicing in what God did in your hearts last week. Thought about a song that reminds us of the "valley" that may come--the 1st stanza says that being closer to God's heart is a place where trials come. Not trying to discourage anyone, just want you to be aware that Satan isn't happy with what is happening in SIGMA. Let's do our part to guard our hearts, that is SO important. It's easy to be lazy, it requires energy to keep pursuing Jesus. "Keep Your Heart" was written by Mac Lynch, here are the words:
Now on this mountaintop we have gleaned so many things.
We've been drawn closer to His heart, a place that trial brings.
We have seen vict'ry over sin, and witnessed answered prayer.
We have known Christ be our only strength, found His Word a jewel rare.
Now from this mountaintop to your valley here below,
You have all of the armory to defeat that wicked foe.
The vict'ry is at your command, Your prayers He'll answer still.
Be the guardian of your only heart, Heed this Word, His perfect will.
Keep your heart, keep your heart, keep your heart with all diligence.
Keep it clean, keep it pure, make your love for Christ endure.
Guard your ears; guard your eyes; Pressing onward to the prize.
Lest you fall, lest you fail, make your love for Christ prevail.
Pastor Jon
What a great song!!! Praying for you guys!!
Wow...I think we should sing that as a y/g in church!
It is so weird that you posted that song, because I read that song yesterday and then brought my music book up here to post that song on the blog for everyone and then I saw that you had already posted it! But yes, the words to that song definitly apply to our youth group as of right now and I am trying to keep that song at the forefront of my mind at all times...
I got Rand Hummel to sign my bible and with it he wrote the verse Proverbs 4:23... which is "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." goes along with the song...
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