August 15, 2007

Gods Will/Satans Will for Your Life

Wow! Tonight was such an awesome reminder of what all I learned last week at the Wilds. The speaker was great and I feel sorry for those of you who had to miss out on it. If I hadn't already gotten things right in my life last week I would have definitely been convicted! The speaker really did a great job. The one thing I really liked was how he said "You have heard so many times about Gods will for your life, but what you don't hear about is how Satan also has a will for your life. Satan doesn't want us to be a clear image that represents Christ and so he wants us to follow his will by making compromises and changing our identification" We read from Daniel 1:1-7 and it was talking about how the Chaldean's tried to change Daniel (his name, his eating habits, etc. ) and make him become like them but Daniel stood firm and in 6:26 even the King calls Daniel by his real name and says that Daniels God 'is the living God, and steadfast for ever' and it just shows that Daniel was "non-negotiable" in his faith...(like John posted) and was able to be greatly used by God. The speaker used a verse from 1 John... "God is light and in Him is no darkness at all" If we are striving to be like Christ, we should not be willing to make any kind of compromise with the world. Alright...its late and I need to hit the sack, but I learned a lot tonight and felt the need to share...


Sigma said...

Unbelievable!?!?! I stopped writing because you told me to think of others, and you preach the whole sermon!!!


John Dierking said...

hey, Thats what sisters do! Love you too bro!